The Holiday Ham Company has been serving families all over the country for over 30 years. Our Holiday Hams are perfect for a dinner party or holiday celebrations. This article elucidates how to cook it along with the time taken for the task. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. We’ve been selected Best Ham by three different national magazines! When it comes to feeding a crowd during the holidays, it doesn’t get much easier than serving a spiral-sliced ham. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. Ham or spiral ham is traditionally made for dinner on Easter or Christmas in almost every home in the United States. Now, spiral ham—precooked, precut city ham—is a heat-and-serve holiday classic. When it comes to feeding a crowd during the holidays, it doesn’t get much easier than serving a spiral-sliced ham. Spiral ham might be a fan favorite, but it’s worth getting to know the other types, too. But looking at such a big piece of meat, many people get confused as to how to cook it. Being that pre-sliced hams are sold fully cooked, all you have to do is warm it through in the oven and apply accompanying packet of mildly questionable glaze. Be sure to read the label to make sure you’re getting an unglazed ham. It’s worth noting that many spiral-sliced hams come glazed, so they’re not a good choice if you’re following a specific recipe (like this gorgeous holiday ham). We offer fully-cooked, spiral …