You can now sling ice cream to slay various spicy peppers on the Scoville scale in Google's newest Google Doodle game. Google's Scoville Doodle was introduced in 2016 to celebrate the 151st birthday of Wilbur Scoville who is known for his Scoville Scale. Today's Google Doodle Celebrates Wilbur Scoville And Let's You Play Peppers And Ice-Cream Game. There is a play button clicking on which will start the session allowing you to play a game to know the heat properties of various spices. The doodle illustrates Wilbur Scoville holding pepper and Google is written using the various chilli peppers. Para comemorar os 151 anos do nascimento de Wilbur Scoville, o farmacêutico que testou pimentas, a Google fez um Doodle em 22 de janeiro de 2016, com um jogo interativo envolvendo a escala de ardência criada por Scoville. You can even share the game results on all major social media platforms. Monday’s doodle is part of Google’s doodle series that basically deals with some of the most popular interactive Google Doodle games. On Friday, the company updated the Google Doodle on its homepage in honor of the 151st birthday of Wilbur Scoville … Google is honoring Wilbur Scoville, the inventor of the pepper-heat scale, with an interactive Google Doodle game. Monday's Google 'Stay and play at home' Doodle features an interactive throwback game of 2016, Scoville. NEW DELHI: A few days back, Google started a fun initiative to urge people to stay at home to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus and spend the extra time by playing games shared by them. Google Doodle Scoville (2016) game: How to play? Para jogar basta clicar aqui, mais detalhes abaixo nesta reportagem. Scoville doodle was released to celebrate the 151st birthday of Wilbur Scoville. Stay and Play at Home | Google featured its 2016 Doodle game on Monday in its latest illustration to help people to remain engaged during the coronavirus lockdown period across the world. Google's got you covered! May 4: The cycle of popular doodle games has begun again, with Google bringing a simple game celebrating Wilbur Scoville, the namesake for the Scoville Scale that measures how hot a … Here, you’ll play to test various peppers and tell the heat levels and then eat ice cream.