The second column helps you focus on the beginning letters of nouns, which is essential to find the correct definite and indefinite articles, shown in the third and fourth columns, respectively. Italian nouns summary. Jobs and Occupations. .). Politics and Government Nouns. (I would like to buy this book. According to many Italian grammars, even the partitives (partitivi) can be considered articles. Unlike English, which has only one definite article “ the", Italian has 6 definite articles: Il (masculine singular), il libro (the book) Lo (masculine singular) lo scopo (the purpose) I (masculine plural) i libri (the books) Gli (masculine plural) gli scopi (the purposes) La (feminine singular) la casa (the house) In English THE is a definite article. . ), Nouns beginning with a consonant (such as. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Italian. Summing Up Italian Articles, Nouns, and Adjectives, Italian All-in-One For Dummies Cheat Sheet, Italian Verbs: Present Perfect Indicative of Essere Sincero and Mentire, By Antonietta Di Pietro, Francesca Romana Onofri, Teresa L. Picarazzi, Karen Antje Moller, Daniela Gobetti, Beth Bartolini-Salimbeni, Part of Italian All-in-One For Dummies Cheat Sheet. 150+ Italian Nouns for Beginners: An Essential List. The following table shows how you can combine nouns and articles. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Italian vocabulary. Check the following table to see how adjectives and nouns agree in gender and number: Qualifying adjectives usually follow the noun; however, all other modifiers — demonstrative, interrogative, possessive, and indefinite pronouns, as well as number — come before the noun: Abbiamo letto un libro interessante. . ), È il terzo libro che leggo su questo argomento. Family Nouns. a. Masculine. In Italian, nouns have gender and number — masculine or feminine, and singular or plural. English Nouns Italian Nouns; nouns: sostantivi: my car: la mia auto: green car: auto verde: three cars: tre auto: car garage: garage: outside the car: al di fuori della vettura (or)fuori dalla vettura Below is a list of the Nouns and Words in Italian placed in a table. Adjectives provide details about the noun(s) they refer to. They take the noun’s gender and number. You’ll find some examples in the first column. (Which books did you borrow? The identifiers are il, lo, la, i, gli, le, un, uno and una. You don’t have to watch all nine hours of “The Godfather” trilogy before you understand that family is central to the Italian character ... Food-related Nouns. Nouns can be divided in common name, referring to something general and not identifying a particular person, or proper name, like the names of people, places, and institutions. Some nouns end in -e in their singular form and in -i in the plural, both for feminine and masculine forms. All articles agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to. La parete è brutta » The wall is ugly. THE. and; the number (is the noun singular or plural?) However in Italian there is more than one form of definite article. Pay attention to the beginning letter of masculine nouns because the article changes according to this letter; this is why you see four versions of masculine nouns in the table. Nouns are words that name people, things, or ideas. The links above are only a small sample of our lessons, please open the left side menu to see all links. Articles (a, an, the, and so on), which are associated with nouns, are also masculine, feminine, singular, or plural according to the noun they refer to. ), I tuoi libri sono nello zaino nero. (It is a specific book, one that we both know about) In English, we are lucky because there is only one form of definite article…. Once you're done with Italian Nouns, you might want to check the rest of our Italian lessons here: Learn Italian. Il, lo and la are singular definite articles, which means you are talking about a specific thing. Italian definite articles generally correspond to the English article “the”, but while in English “the” has only one form, in Italian there is a total of 7 different definite articles: LO, IL, LA, L’, GLI, I, LE. Enjoy the rest of the lesson! There is IL, L’, LO, LA, I, GLI, and LE. Don't forget to bookmark this page. This makes learning definite articles a bit more complicated, but once you know the structure, it’s relatively simple to get used to. ), Vorrei comprare questo libro. In English, a vast majority of nouns are neutre (masculine and feminine are only used for human beings or for animals), while articles and adjectives have no gender at all. Here are some examples: Notice the structure of the Nouns in Italian. The most common masculine definite article (in singular form) is IL. (We read an interesting book. Examples: La sedia » the chair (you are talking about a specific chair) Il telefono è verde » The telephone is green. Noun Gender. Articles in Italian need to match: the gender (is the noun masculine or feminine?) If you're trying to learn Italian Nouns you will find some useful resources including a course about Nouns and Words... to help you with your Italian grammar. Yes, they’re all mean the in Italian! Italian nouns are words used to name a person, animal, place, thing, or abstract ideas. If a singular noun is masculine then we use either IL, L’, or LO. Learning the Italian Nouns displayed below is vital to the language. In Italian instead, nouns, adjectives and articles too are either masculine or feminine, but never neutre. Articles with Singular Masculine Nouns in Italian. Also note that although definite articles are omitted in English, they’re not omitted in Italian. Nouns beginning with a consonant (such as banca, casa, and stazione) la (la banca, la casa, la stazione) una (una banca, una casa, una stazione) Nouns beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, or u) as in arte and eredità: l‘ (l‘arte, l‘eredità) un‘ (un‘arte, un‘eredità) Feminine plural: All nouns (such as banche, case, stazioni, arti, and eredità) al di fuori della vettura (or)fuori dalla vettura. ), Quali libri hai preso in prestito? Nouns are usually the most important part of vocabulary. I need the book. The definite article, in Italian articolo determinativo, is the part of the speech that introduces and defines a noun.. In Italian, as well as in many other languages, there are mainly 2 types of articles: definites (determinativi) and indefinites (indeterminativi). – It refers to something specific. Most masculine nouns end in -o (singular) or -i (plural), while most feminine nouns end in -a (singular) or -e (plural). Il l ibro … ), Perché hai ordinato pochi libri? . Remember that in Italian, every noun is either masculine or feminine so the definite article, "the" in English, is either masculine singular, masculine plural, feminine singular or feminine plural. So the English definite article the is either masculine singular, masculine plural, feminine singular, or feminine plural in Italian. Italian articles take the gender and number of the nouns they refer to, so the first thing you have to do is determine the gender and number of the noun you’re working with. (People say . Il : for masculine singular nouns which start with a consonant. (Your books are in the black book pack. For example, La gente dice . In Italian, on the other hand, the definite article has different forms according to the gender, number, and even the first letter or two of the noun it precedes. (This is the third book that I have read on this subject. Nouns and Words have a very important role in Italian. (Why did you order so few books? What is a definite article? Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place.