Primary Accommodations Secondary Accommodations 4. One of the main components of tourism, accessibility, refers to the ability for tourists to get to the destination. h�T�MO�0���>�8�[�JS�1@ځ��{�8�M��;�ߓ8���z��c���i� �G�'��3��4�O�!�tz��n�+,&�.����V��}��q Tourism is therefore a subset of travel and visitors are a subset of travelers. I. 0 The latest trend in accommodation is holiday villages. 0000052439 00000 n 0000066276 00000 n These distinctions are crucial for the compilation of data on flows of travelers and visitors and for the credibility of tourism statistics. 20 22 The main components of a better product are discussed below: Main Components 1. 41 0 obj<>stream 0000003438 00000 n 0000004161 00000 n All the elements of tourism are related and interact; in essence, the tourism industry is a system of customers and suppliers who demand and supply tourism … endstream endobj 30 0 obj<> endobj 31 0 obj<>stream 0000000016 00000 n Slide 3 29 June – 2 July 2010 Classification of inbound travellers (Fig. 3. startxref Tourism comprise the activities of persons traveling to staying in places out side their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for the purpose of leisure, business and other purposes. This mostly includes transportation, which needs to be regularly scheduled, economical, safe and comfortable. 0000003033 00000 n One of the main components of tourism, accessibility, refers to the ability for tourists to get to the destination. }Ȳ‚ 4ò…‚¡(J‚R!$…–Ak¡R¨ª†ê¡fè[è(tº Bw !húz#0 ¦Áº°)l³`/8Ž„Á©p¼.‚7Õp|î€O×à°~ `|4Pܼýљ¹ÿ,èßw…ˏ\Aêç8vD$ƒ+çͬ)®%@P4  ô€0Là œð¾`‘ ,\„@òÁ2°ƒR°ì Õ 4‚fÐ %PDF-1.6 %���� II. 0000100390 00000 n 0000003514 00000 n Transportation: (a) Airlines. 0000001048 00000 n ƒNpœçÀ%pÜ ÷€Œ€§`¼Óa!2D…4! 0000113093 00000 n xref 2. 0000003889 00000 n 0000066584 00000 n It has been a human phenomenon since the beginning of human civilization. Components of Tourism 1. •Accommodation •Accessibility •Amenities •Attractions •Activities 2. As such, many researchers have conducted related studies from time to time. �������Ν�g!_ѳ;{��=� 8�-�ۼ*��zF����#Hb1��^iʝV�7�6���-�3�ߋ:g��V��FKY-�D�&�U"Q��$�M"^J�F&Z�יHe�yITQ$���l�Ƕ��̕�k��X�6)�[��X>�.�D��&�$($'S�Y7+�/�u�F��!����h�iz���Z��Ӡ�)~ HK�D 0000112838 00000 n O! 0000001280 00000 n ëŽ År°l1¶ The main components of a better product are discussed below: Main Components 1. Tourist Destinations: (a) Government promotion offices (b) Regional promotion offices ADVERTISEMENTS: (c) Resort areas, convention centers. 157), the tourism product is composed by more specify elements which interaction allows to … Block 4: Tourism Product, Tourist Demand & The Supply-Mix Unit 13 Tourism Product and Its Components; Background Elements of Tourism Product; 183-197 Unit 14 Tourist Demand – ‘Concept’, ‘Types’ and ‘Unique Features’, Tourism Supply-mix 198-212 Unit 15 The Tourism System – Dimensions, Interplays and Applications 213-229 On some specialists’ opinion (Tocquer, etal, 1999, pp. According to the Enuga State Tourism Board, these are considered the 3 A's of tourism. Depending on the destination, this includes cars and buses, boats and ships, trains and airplanes. <]>> H��W�r��}�W�#�"a�X�Re˛��ٵˢ�b�R0g�(Y��9�3 AJڔK����}������7? However, most of the prior studies focused on certain aspects of tourism, and only a limited number of studies attempted to analyze the components of subject matters of tourism reseaLaw 2006). PDF | This chapter introduces its readers to the concept of tourism. (i) Major (ii) National […] The main components of tourism are accessibility, accommodation and attraction or locale. "tÄ a",„„"ñH 2.1, IRTS 2008) Components of Tourism Industry . As tourism product’ components, they can be assembled in various ways or tourism sub mixes, as to give tourists the maximum satisfaction. PDF | This chapter introduces its readers to the concept of tourism. endstream endobj 21 0 obj<> endobj 22 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 23 0 obj<> endobj 24 0 obj<> endobj 25 0 obj<> endobj 26 0 obj<> endobj 27 0 obj<> endobj 28 0 obj<> endobj 29 0 obj<>stream ! 20 0 obj <> endobj It is very basic to tourist destinations. tourism field can help researchers understand how the field advances. 157), the tourism product is composed by more specify elements which interaction allows to … 0000066011 00000 n 0000112567 00000 n 0000002889 00000 n As tourism product’ components, they can be assembled in various ways or tourism sub mixes, as to give tourists the maximum satisfaction. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Tourism, then, is the business of attracting visitors and catering to their needs and expectations. 0000007364 00000 n The tourism sector is a range of businesses and organizations involved in delivering the tourism product. The basic components or 4’A’ s of tourism are as follows: 1) ATTRACTION: It is the most important element & object that attract people to travel. x�b```b``�c`e`��`d@ A�(G3�գ � LK�o\�| S"��*�f)��d�C��_Wэ ��� q%::����&8ia ��� �0���i5��=�>Fm�#��N3�A,f`ZX ��x@� K�(� Nature and Components of Tourism Nature of Tourism ( The nature of tourism is closely connected with travelling. 0000000736 00000 n 0000000986 00000 n It is a sensitive factor of the human nature in the context of moving to survive, explore, and to know the unknown. 0000002130 00000 n Attractions: These elements within the destination’s (tourism product) environment, independently and/or integrated form, succour as the principal motivation for tourists. 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