Torment of Hailfire This site © 2020, LLC You have two pieces of an infinite mana combo already Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle Honestly curious - I'm generally pro-combo. I love them and sometimes feel a great need to stack a couple together (for me it's usually going to be one enchantment alongside And this combo is a bit slow on my opinion, because in vacuum you will need 14 mana to start it - 3 for altar, 4 for Parallel Lives, 3 for Slimefoot and 4 to create a token with Slimefoots ability. Basalt Monolith Okay, so I realize you have a ton of goblin-centric synergies in addition to your Purphoros plays, so I'm about to unload a bunch of stuff that works as infinite ETB effects and just let you look over them. , which are possibly solid adds regardless of combo efficacy. Crackdown Construct. Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts 2a. Lastly, would you say you're ever in need of more combat supportive effects like what Hellrider and Hero of Oxid Ridge or even Bloodmark Mentor and Goblin Wardriver? + The Echoes will generate the colorless mana you need, and then one of the three can be sacked for R, and then use it all to sack the other 2 goblins for 3 new tokens. I actually added in Primus relatively recently, but I'll add in the Trow for more persist creatures. Thanks once again! Brain Freeze Feeds | Discord Server | + Thopter Foundry, Krark-Clan Ironworks at this juncture (vs. say, next month or whenever it is that I may have expendable funds), the most notable option I'd like to consider for a cut, right now, seems to be + yet, and while I've seen great work come from + Tukatongue Thallid wich does the same with Slimefoot, but at the moment I'm trying to do even without it. Burn at the Stake does happen to have several options for replacement if you'd prefer instant speed effects over easy-ish mass damage. If you're looking for something cheaper, there's always Ghostly Flicker + Naru Meha, Master Wizard Maybe something could be done with Akki Rockspeaker too if you had cost reduction? for exorbitant mana, but this deck has gotten by very far without going infinite, save for The death of the Titan will trigger Nim Deathmantle, which allows you to pay to bring back the Titan, and stay one zombie ahead. You say degenerate, but that varies by playgroup. Have all permanents on the battlefield. Combos on the site are limited to 4 cards. your most recent reply is amazingly in-depth and it makes me think which is great considering where we already are with this deck. Well, of my redundancies you hit the nail on the head re: my priorities when you mention the use of Pact effects. Ashnod's Altar + Goblin Marshal + Nim Deathmantle 3c. C h o p w o o d on It's Mine 2 years ago. . Black Market I'll definitely implement them into the deck. , Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. I can also mention that you are not about to find anything close to enchantment hate in mono-red except through Apocalypse, so I really wouldn't bother changing it out unless you'd want something like Descent of the Dragons in for even more tokens. , by oshus96, Chainer, the Spoop Lord Finally I would add a few boardwipes Cyclonic Rift Plague Wind Damnation and Toxic Deluge. This site © 2020, LLC Black Market Nissa I have no hard feelings about cutting, since she is mediocre in this deck. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Ashnod's Altar + Emrakul's Hatcher + Nim Deathmantle 3b. Given the right mana rocks/mana ramp Paradox Engine and Ancestral Statue can create an infinite loop of spell casting for storm triggers or also creature etb. And this combo is a bit slow on my opinion, because in vacuum you will need 14 mana to start it - 3 for altar, 4 for Parallel Lives, 3 for Slimefoot and 4 to create a token with Slimefoots ability. Most combos the average player considers degenerate are garbage, competitively, and typically the best 'combo' at tables with powerful decks and knowledgeable players is A Good Deck + Ad Nauseam or Doomsday, or something. + Grapeshot Presence of Gond Dualcaster also can be used in place of Naru Meha above. Sacrifice one zombie and the Titan each, for apiece to Ashnod's Altar. I'm going to go back to playing Fire Emblem: Fates. (and to be frank with you, it's a pet card of mine - a gift from an old friend, in foil), and Had to go back and separate those ones card by card): And after this, I'm out. + TappedOut.js Blog Widget, Ashnod's Altar + Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry, You gain 1 life and a 1/1 thopter token creature is created, bringing back. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. , or or a given Chainer loop. If the creature generates more than one token, it will also generate infinite colorless mana and tokens. + and removed + It's probably going to be a mana rock if anything, although so far I'm not sure the deck even needs and/or wants this in here (personally, I'd LOVE to go infinite and get there with a Tell me what you think. Reservoir triggers on casting a spell. If I do add Contact | This combo generates infinite colourless mana, tokens, and life. Thopter Foundry Abhorrent Overlord Another simple variation of this is to use Krak-Clan Ironworks instead of Ashnod's Altar. cards you already have in your deck. Animate Dead + Worldgorger Dragon 2b. + and a card with a game-winning ETB like So going from the top down. You'd need to add a creature who makes more than 1 token on ETB, like Rings of Brighthearth There's the Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter This combination can be used to generate infinite ETB/LTB triggers when combined with any creature that generates a token when it enters play. Recently I used Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle + Tukatongue Thallid wich does the same with Slimefoot, but at the moment I'm trying to do even without it. Mana Echoes does have an infinite loop with Goblin Warren and Phyrexian Altar (yes I get you aren't using it but Skirk Prospector will do the same thing). The same is true for Cloudstone Curio and Cryptic Gateway with any or your creatures that make mass tokens ETB. Do you want more than just Oloro combos? , Butcher of Malakir Cyclonic Rift Is a staple in any blue deck If you want to go more combo focused I see this a lot with Sharuum the Hegemon decks. :P. As for max-handsize cards, these can be disposable, but I like the necessary lifegain from + + You can get all of these cards for under $2 total. Viashino Pyromancer I could most likely buy/trade for them later on, and if not probably just add them in haha. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Blood Artist Also Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame and combo.