Literally. Cotton Kills. Other viscose items have last for years and years and are still looking good. There is no best by itself - it all depends on what criteria you are using to choose. Polyester Vs. Leather For Sofa/Couch Material. While it is a good option for area rugs and wall to wall carpeting, there are some important things to know about viscose prior to bringing it into your home. And while this material is natural, the process of making it into fibers involves a lot of toxic chemicals, therefore it is in its own subcategory of being a semi-synthetic fibre. Other than being a good temperature regulator, it is also hypoallergenic and antibacterial. Viscose is man-made fabric. Even though they look good and comfortable, they can be dangerous for your skin and your general health. Viscose is a material often used in the carpet and rug world. Viscose. I like viscose a lot, but as all materials you get good and bad quality. Polyester is another fabric that can look great on … Well cotton clothing - even from light sweating will stay wet and sap all your body heat, bringing on hypothermia even faster. Viscose Fabric Pros and Cons. It's not real leather though it does feel rather nice. ... It’s a good idea that people take advantage of any sales, discounts, or promotions that they can find in order to save even more money. Warm sweaters or light dresses, our favorite athletic leggings or shaping underwear — so many things around us are made from synthetic materials. It's a polyurethane front with an organic liquid lining. Viscose is a man-made cellulose fiber. It is a delicate and soft fabric Viscose fiber is good for people with sensitive skin. I think its depends on who using it and where he used. Because in the cold weather viscose is super comfortable. It gives the shiny, glamorous appearance and is less expensive than real silk. Chemicals in synthetic fabrics aren’t the best companions for our skin. No. It can feel like silk and cotton. VISCOSE/RAYON: Viscose is made from cellulose from wood pulp. So, is viscose material good or bad? It's actually Rayon that can be made to feel like other fabrics such as cotton or silk, and leather. Cotton retains moisture and when wet, it conducts heat even faster. It can absorb up to 20% of moisture before it gets damp. From bad odors to skin, rashes, nausea, or something even worse. Some items I have, are almost worn out / washed out due to bad quality @Ingunn: Indiska has a lot of this quality and I agree on fast fashion (cheap, but not durable). Thanks for the A2A. Sometimes, industrial products like tires, carpets, upholsteries and disposable wipes are also made from viscose material.