Injuries run the gamut from slips and falls to violent patients to exposure to harmful substances. Workplace injuries are inconvenient and expensive. Your health, your livelihood and your quality of life are in jeopardy. 3 min read. While this number is alarming, knowing how injuries occur in the workplace can help employees take preventative action to stay safe. No matter where you work, there is always a chance of getting injured in the workplace. Workplace injuries are more common than you think. According to the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration, more than 4,500 individuals are killed on the job each year, with millions more injured. Disabling workplace injuries cost businesses more than $58 billion per year. Even the companies with the best safety records still are prepared for a workplace injury now and then. These are just the reason for each injury. Posted on June 14, 2019. by Shawn Macpherson. While the actual injury that occurs may not have been calculated, the violent act itself is. 4. This amounts to roughly 8,000 injuries per day, 350 per hour, or six injuries per minute. Top Workplace Injuries By Rosenberg & Rosenberg, P.A. Falls are the most common office-related accidents that cause serious injuries, but ergonomically incorrect workstations, improper lifting techniques, and workplace violence are some of the top … According to the National Safety Council, every 7 seconds a worker is injured on the job. Below is a link to the list of top causes of workplace injuries that resulted in 5+ days away off the job. Naina Dutta. As an employee in Queensland, you are insured by WorkCover and can make a worker’s compensation claim if you suffer a workplace accident or illness. The top ten causes of disabling workplace injuries cost U.S. businesses more than a billion dollars per week! 10) Injuries Caused by Violence in the Workplace. The top violations related to lockout/tagout occurred when companies had no written procedures, did not perform periodic inspections of procedures, or did not provide appropriate employee training. Workplace injuries can greatly affect a worker’s ability to perform gainful employment and earn a living. Categories: Workers Compensation. Ergonomics related injuries are number one with a total cost of $13.1 Billion. Commit today to making 2019 an injury-free year for your workplace! By far the most common workplace accident is … The most common injury … Other more serious can be amputations in … Most RSIs affect the wrists, hands, elbows, forearms, neck, and shoulders. Disabling workplace injuries cost businesses more than $55 billion every year. But what about accidents in the workplace? The top 10 causes of workplace injuries – such as slips, trips and falls and strains from lifting heavy objects – cost U.S. businesses more than $1 billion per week, according to a new report from Liberty Mutual Insurance. Preventing the Top 5 Workplace Injuries. In the workplace, the top causes of RSI are manual labor and the use of computers. Here are some of the most common workplace injuries and how you can keep your workplace safe from them. Workers can experience different types of injuries at the workplace. Injuries that are caused by violence in the workplace can occur in any occupation, and are the one entry on this list that is usually not accidental. However, certain injuries are more common than others. 10 of the most common workplace accidents and injuries There are hundreds of thousands of accidents – many of them serious – in workplaces every year. Obviously, getting these top causes under control could keep employees from getting hurt while saving the company a great deal of money. The Top Causes of Workplace Injuries and Fatalities. Trauma Injuries. You can avoid many of the most common workplace injuries by implementing safety measures and educating employees on best practices. Understanding Workplace Injuries. | June 15, 2020 . Workplace injuries can have a devastating impact on your business and your employees. In the span of a few seconds, everything changes. Virtually any type of injury can occur in the workplace or while performing your job. Overexertion is the leading cause of workplace injury, comprising more than 20 percent of all injuries. Most states narrow the definition of a workplace injury to one that “arises out of and in the course of employment” to prevent employees from pursuing compensation for injuries not directly caused by the job. Top 5 Workplace Injuries – How To Prevent Them. At least that’s how the saying goes. Why—because the law requires them to take care of their workers who are injured on the job. Other industries where workplace injuries commonly occur include air transportation, wood processing, transportation, warehousing, and manufacturing. Top Workplace Injuries at the Office . Five years and more than 1.5 million workers’ comp claims. As disconcerting as this sounds, not only Understanding top risks is the first step to protecting your business. Workplace injuries are a common occurrence in organisations of all kinds and sizes in Australia, and many are still not doing enough to prevent them from happening in the first place. June 6, 2019 | TEAM GRANITE. In November 2018, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a review of the injuries nurses sustain when on the job. They may also impair the ability to enjoy and perform even basic activities of daily living, whether on a temporary or permanent basis. May 15, 2020. 1. Injuries vary from minor cuts and bruises, to serious trip/slip and falls, to fatal. Top Causes of Workplace Injuries in 2018. These injuries are quite frequent in the manufacturing industry and in the construction sector. Understand that each of the injuries themselves are not necessarily the problem that is costing your company millions.