Pelargonium denticulatum (Possibly ‘Filicifolium’)-Pine Geranium, etc. Cotyledon orbiculata. Cotyledon Orbiculata or Pig’ Ear is the most popular species of this genus which is widely grown by commercial nurseries as ornamental plant. 1 gallon succulent (Cotyledon "Silver Wave") from a back yard hobbyist. Sooooo…….. Cotyledon orbiculata ‘Silver Storm’ cuttings, 8-7-18, #493-1. I was pretty busy and don’t remember what happened with the cuttings I took last August. Hosta ‘Queen Josephine’? Some are typically ear shaped, others are slender, and others are ruffled or wavy. It is branching out, though, so maybe it would be best if I restart. mandraliscae/Kleinia mandraliscae-Blue Chalksticks, Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’-Siberian Bugloss, Heart-Leaf Brunnera, Brunnera macrophylla ‘King’s Ransom’-Italian Bugloss, Heliotropium arborescens ‘Marine’-Heliotrope, Capsella bursa-pastoris: Shepherd’s Purse. Large healthy Silver peak succulent Water wise plant happy in a pot or garden bed Pickup Greenmount, 1262451307 Oreocereus celsianus-Old Man Of The Andes, Parodia lenninghausii-Golden Ball, Lemon Ball, Yellow Tower, Parodia magnifica-Ball Cactus, Balloon Cactus, Schlumbergera gaertneri (Syn. Follow general succulent watering procedures. Sedum sarmentosum-Stringy Stonecrop, Goldmoss, Graveyard Moss, etc. ... a very large area and Cotyledon orbiculata has the most amazing range of leaf forms while retaining the same name large silver pig ear types to green. Calendula officinalis-Pot or English Marigold, Cirsium altissimum-Tall Thistle (User Friendly), Conoclinium coelestinum-Hardy Ageratum, Blue Mistflower, Echinacea purpurea ‘PowWow®’ Series-Purple Coneflower, Elephantopus carolinianus-Leafy Elephant’s Foot. If you buy multiple items, please use the 'add to cart' button. Kniphofia uvaria-Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily, Etc. Cotyledon orbiculata ‘Silver Storm’ on 9-5-17, #371-9. The links below will lead to pages where you can see for yourself. Salvia confertiflora-Red Velvet Sage, Harvest Sage, Etc. The silver foliage looks lovely grown next to plants with white or silver trunks. I will keep an eye out for the “parasite” issue. long thin leaves some with wavy edges. View gallery. Now the cuttings need to scab over for a few days before I put them in pots to root. ‘Golden’-Baby Rubber Plant, Blunt-Leaved Peperomia, Angelonia angustifolia Hybrid Angelface® ‘Perfectly Pink’-Summer Snapdragon. Sempervivum arachnoideum ‘Cebenese’-Cobweb Houseleek. It has gray-green leaves that can be up to 13 by 7 cm (5.1 by 2.8 in) with a white powdery substance on them that helps reflect sunlight and conserve water. Well, I bought it anyway against my better judgment and it killed the plant… Live and learn…. The second group grows during the winter and sheds its leaves during the summer. . COTYLEDON ORBICULATA SEED Pigs Ear/Silver Lady Succulent Heat & Drought Tolerant - $3.50. undulatifolia called ‘Jitters’ (labeled Crassula ovata undulata ‘Jitters’). Once it regrew the same issues came back as well. Flowers are orange, red or yellow, bell-shaped, up to 0.8 inches (2 cm) long, and droop from the top of an up to 1.5 feet (45 cm) tall stalk. Colocasia gigantea ‘Thailand Giant’), Leucocasia gigantea (Syn. Mammillaria nejapensis)-Silver Arrows, Mammillaria muehlenpfordtii (Syn. xGraptosedum ‘Bronze’ (labeled xGraptoveria ‘Alpenglow’/xGraptosedum ‘Vera Higgins’), Portulacaria afra f. variegata-Rainbow Elephant Bush. Liriope spicata-Monkey Grass, Lilyturf, Etc. Cotyledon orbiculata is native to Swaziland and South Africa (Cape Province, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal). Persicaria longiseta-Oriental Lady’s Thumb, ETC. I finally had to make the decision to discard it. Buddleja davidii ‘White Profusion’-Butterfly Bush. Penstemon digitalis-Foxglove Beardtongue, Smooth Beardtongue ETC. Pig's Ear, Pig's Ears, Silver Pig's Ears, Round-leafed Navel Wort, Round-leaved Cotyledon, White Lady. I could easily remove them with my fingernail. Copyright © 2013-2020 World of Succulents. pringlei)-Lemon Ball Cactus, Mammillaria vetula subsp. Sansevieria ehrenbergii) ‘Samurai’/’Samurai Dwarf’, Dracaena reflexa var. As succulents go, Cotyledons certainly are rewarding garden and indoor subjects, practically independent of irrigation in all but full desert conditions. x Echinobivia ‘Rainbow Bursts’), Echinopsis huascha-Desert’s Blooming Jewel, Red Torch, Espostoa melanostele subsp. The problem is, once I see a plant I am drawn to, whether or not there could issues later, it haunts me to the point where I will eventually return and bring them home. Change ). Cotyledon Species, Pig's Ear, Round-Leafed Navel Wort Cotyledon orbiculata. Phymatosorus pustulatus subsp. ‘Caput Minima’), Crassula cotyledonis (NOT Crassula Dudia-NOT PROPELLER PLANT), Crassula ovata ‘Ladyfingers’ and ‘Gollum’, Echeveria ‘Black Prince’ (labeled E. imbricata ‘Black Prince’), Echeveria ‘Pulv-Oliver’/ Echeveria pulvinata ‘Jasper’™, Echeveria affinis (labeled Echeveria affinis ‘Black Knight’)- The Black Echeveria. Pennisetum setaceum)-Purple Fountain Grass, Dichanthelium latifolium-Broad-Leaved Panic Grass, Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebrinus’-Zebra Grass.