As a concept, with no particular reason for associating one gender over another, Shai was sometimes considered female, rather than the more usual understanding of being male, in which circumstance Shai was referred to as Shait (simply the feminine form of the name). The Turkish word "kismet" can closely describe the concept of the god Shai. 9. SHAI Interesting Facts 8. How to say chai. In the Instance hyponyms: Min (an Egyptian god of procreation). It is not listed in the top 1000 names. When the people of Alexandria spoke about Shai himself, they called him Psais or Psois. Shai is also a variant of the name Shea (English and Irish). Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. 6. Learn more. chai pronunciation. 10. Domain category: antiquity (the historic period preceding the Middle Ages in Europe). Shai is an infrequently used baby name for boys. Break 'shai' down into sounds: say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Set; Seth (evil Egyptian god with the head of a beast that has high square ears and a long snout; brother and murderer of Osiris) See also the related categories, hebrew and celtic. Shai (also spelt Sai, occasionally Shay, and in Greek, Psais) was the deification of the concept of fate in Egyptian mythology. He was most often shown in funerary papyri, near his female partners. ; Record yourself saying 'shai' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.You'll be … Thoth (Egyptian Moon deity with the head of an ibis; god of wisdom and learning and the arts; scribe of the gods). In 2018, within the group of boy names directly linked to Shai, Isaiah was the most widely used. Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'shai':.