The key here is hinging at the hips which will help with stability through the frontal plane. Perform the same exercise with the weight in the other arm as well for the same number of reps. By now you should feel more comfortable working with kettlebells and have a better understanding of how your muscles are working while using them. The four week program builds exercises designed with four kettlebells total. Download all the information above as a free PDF to your computer. You can make these workouts your cardio for the week. Online Kettlebell Courses and Certifications, Black Friday Kettlebell Books, Videos, and Courses SALE, Fix Major Kettlebell Snatch Issues—Tendonitis, blisters, back pain …, Kettlebell Strength Workout—The Powerful Asgard Ladder, Wild West Kettlebell Combo—Gunslingers and bootstrappers, Download the free kettlebell strength PDF, Buy the Prometheus Kettlebell Strength Program, Kettlebell complexes for strength and fat loss, Kettlebell Workouts and Challenges 1.0 book, Kettlebell Workouts and Challenges 2.0 book, Join over 14,000 others in our free online community. Drive from the front heel and stand. The different shape changes the force used to lift it which is less stable than a bar or dumbbells. Input your search keywords and press Enter. Taking the hand off the floor, straighten your body and take the eyes off the bell and look ahead. Increase reps to 6 in week 5 and 6. Turkish Get-up a.k.a. The Goblet Squat is performed for 15 reps and then the Regular Row is completed for 15 … You lunge forward and take a step back to create the position to row from. Increase reps to 6 in week 5 and 6. Keep the back straight. The jerk is an advanced movement. Number of kettlebells required. Lower yourself as far as you can before returning to the standing position. There should be a straight line from bell to bottom hand. Learn how to build muscle, burn fat & stay motivated. Take a day off from kettlebell training. For example, on Monday of Week 1, do 3 sets of 5 reps of the double kettlebell front squat followed by 3 sets of 5 reps of the double kettlebell press. Push through your heels to a standing position and press the kettlebell overhead. So for the TGU, you just go to where it first mentions the exercise and click on the blue title "Turkish Get-Up" Same goes for pretty much every exercise. Bend your knees slightly like you’re lowering yourself down to grab a bar for a deadlift. Once the health benefits were discovered, they evolved into a training tool that was used by both the Russian military and Russian athletes for training. Also available on Amazon in Kindle. We recommend using 2 x 12 kilogram kettlebells and 2 x 16 kilogram kettlebells.However, depending on your current strength levels you can choose any pair of any weight and a pair that is 4 kilograms lighter. Start … The focus of the bent-over row is the rear delt, latissimus dorsi, teres major, and triceps brachii (long head), but there is way more going on as you create a stable base to row/pull the heavyweight from. You could complete the program with just a single kettlebell, you could even complete it with a lighter than recommended kettlebell. The kettlebell swings are performed with a hip hinge which means you prevent movement in your ankles, there is flexion and extension in the knees and hips. I’ve previously covered the muscles used in the kettlebell swing comprehensively. Each movement for three sets of 20 reps. Rest 30 seconds between sets. Cheers! 21-days to Weightlifting. Email: click here. Push from the heel of the bent leg and drive your hips in the air and into full hip extension. Featured in 4 issues of the Iron Man magazine. Drop, switch hands, clean with your right, and do your 5 presses. Stand with feet a little wider than shoulder width apart. Kettlebell Row: Start with the kettlebell at your feet. Hold it so the handle is in your palm and the weight in behind the hand. With one arm, grab the weight and pull it in to your stomach while retracting your shoulder blades and bending your elbow. This will be a four day week that will include four different movements each day. Lower it back down and let the momentum take the weight down past the starting position so the kettlebell is past your knees and through your legs. Each exercise performed consecutively for 30 seconds followed by a 60 second rest period. Return to the starting position. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds in giant set fashion. In our kettlebell world, Prometheus is going to be your progression in strength. Basic Russian Kettlebell Swing: The basic swing will help improve the posterior chain. Once your knee is an inch or so above the floor, step back to the starting position. Slowly lower yourself down into a squatted position until your hips are below your knees. Repeat for three circuits. This week we put all the exercises together into a cardio circuit. While hinging your hips, swing the kettlebell up with both hands until it reaches chest level. Sweep the straight leg back and through to a half kneeling position. Kettlebell Pushup with Row: You will perform these like you would traditional pushups but your hands will be on the handles of the kettlebells instead of the floor.