The methods section describes actions to be taken to investigate a research problem and the rationale for the application of specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information applied to understanding the problem, thereby, allowing the reader to critically evaluate a study’s overall validity and reliability. This methodology in a research proposal is a common procedure that you have to obey to present a valuable result. You are in the last part of methodology in research proposal. The method of questionnaire allows making the research more quantitative, because it requires gathering standardized information from a specific number of people. Each data has different instrument characteristics. For example, consider a convenience store looking to improve its patronage. This is very exciting because it certainly wastes time, money and energy. This method allows obtaining both quantitative and qualitative data; thus, it is the most appropriate way to research the connection between the alcohol intake and the school performance. You must have a strong foundation to show readers why your research is important to do and what benefits can be obtained from the findings later. The research uses the documents in order to describe the background of the problem as well as to complement the received results with the reliable scientific findings. Research questionsResearch questions are what we want to find answers to from this research. A research design allows us to find valid and accountable results. This includes a detailed The research incorporates the results of several interviews which were held in the form of conversation in order to establish a high level of confidence between the researcher and the respondent. When making a research concept, make sure the design that you have compiled is valid, can be completed, and can be managed properly according to your abilities. What is the meaning of research? You also need to be able to explain concretely what resources are needed to support the implementation of research. Willis (2007) defines interpretivism as an approach which is implemented by the researcher in order to synthesize facts which are derived mainly from secondary sources, and which are qualitative in nature. Descriptive Statistics Examples: From Zero to Hero! One of the most used methods in this research is the qualitative method of interviews. Examples of Demographic Data: A Simple Analysis, Paired Samples t-Test in SPSS: Step by Step, One-Sample T-Test in SPSS: With Interpretation, The Student’s t-distribution: Small Sample Solution, Descriptive vs Inferential Statistics: For Research Purpose. It allows fulfilling the informational gap that has not been revealed by the interviews and questionnaire. If you use several officers in data collection, you can also conduct training for data collection officers to maintain the quality of the data you produce. A returning customer was defined as someone who usually bought products at least twice a week from Company X. There are so many data collection techniques that can be used, depending on the objectives and resources that are owned. Research methodology refers to the process of identifying, assessing, and evaluating data sets to determine the validity and reliability of the findings of a study or investigation. The purpose of this study is to highlight the dependencies between the attitudes towards the problem of an alcohol intake of the students in the high school. For instance, it was used the findings proposed by A. Balsa, L. M. Giuliano, and M. French in their article named The effects of alcohol use on academic achievement in high school. The chapter will discuss in detail the various stages of developing the methodology of the current study. In conducting research, a structured and systematic scientific method is needed that can make the research we do more useful and understandable. 9+ Research Methodology Templates. Common methods include surveys, experiments, interviews and observations. 1. Research proposal aims to explain in detail how the process and tools you use to find research results. With this purpose, it will be conducted the qualitative and quantitative research, which allows gaining the most relevant results about the relations between the alcohol use and the school performance. As a result, the research proposes the results, taking into account not only the GPA and the frequency of the alcohol intake but the age and gender of the respondents. Research problemsAfter finding the research question, you need to formulate what problem you want. Will, the data be presented descriptively, inferential, qualitative, quantitative, etc. Understanding statistical procedures are very helpful for you in presenting good research data. Each stage can adjust according to the type and purpose of the research you are using.In some cases of research, the method above may change and not sequentially, especially if you use the qualitative research method. Application of Methodology in Research Proposal. Also, the following detailed information is usually included in the research proposal. Taking into account the irreversible place of the methodology part of the research paper, methodology research paper example must demonstrate how the researcher is going to prove the hypothesis or to decide the problem of the investigation. In writing a research report, you can adjust the type of research you are using. In research from beginning to end, there are several phases that we need to do. After all, preparations have been completed, the next stage is to present all the things that we have planned in the study into the form of a research proposal. In general, there are 3 types of sampling techniques that can be used.1. The next stage in conducting research is sample selection. For example, if you want to use primary data, of course, you need a questionnaire for answers from respondents. In general, this research proposal contains research problems and how you plan to find answers to these problems. Phase III. . Appropriate and accurate samples with sufficient amounts will influence the results of the study. If you have large funds, of course, you can research with coverage of up to 1 province.However, if you have limited funds, it’s good that you only do it for the coverage of 1 district or city.