Before serving, use a spatula or spoon to stir and fluff your rice like a pro. Make sure you don’t overfill the rice cooker. Pour vous lancez, je vous invite à suivre les recommandations de Clea : ma recette de base pour un gâteau au rice-cooker. Testé et approuvé, les pommes de terre sont délicieuses cuites dans un bouillon. Generally, when cooking rice, two cups of water should be used for every cup of rice. The general ratio of water to rice in a rice cooker is 1:1. All you need to do now is hit the COOK button on your rice cooker and wait for fluffy brown rice to die for. Et bien, ça marche très bien. Don’t skip this step or the grains will be too sticky when they’re cooked. Use 1.5 cups of water for each cup of rice. In this sense, waiting for rice to rest is not time wasted. Getting the ratio of water/rice is key to cooking brown rice the right way. La texture sera différente qu’avec une cuisson au four car plus spongieuse mais ca dépanne bien. Before you go any further, carefully shake off all excess water. Do yourself a favor and stick to what you need. They still have a fibrous layer of bran in place. Well, brown rice is a lot tougher than white rice so needs proportionally longer to cook. Unfortunately, many people assume brown rice tastes inferior and don’t give it a chance. Well, for some reason, the measuring cups bundled with most rice cookers are non-standard sizes equating to perhaps 2/3 or 3/4 of a cup. Home » Kitchen » Rice Cookers » How To Cook Brown Rice in a Rice Cooker. The plastic rice cooker cup that comes with the rice cooker is a 180 ml cup. Cooking brown rice properly is far from instant. If you don’t have the measuring cup that came with the rice cooker, use this ratio: 2 cups of water to 1 cup of brown rice; With that groundwork laid, then, we’ll walk you through how to cook brown rice in a rice cooker. Move inward from the edges and break down any clumps. Here’s what you need as well as your rice cooker. Finish by wiping the inside down with a damp cloth. The true variable for different types of rice is time, different rice takes different amounts of time to absorb water. Pour ce faire, pelez puis coupez 500 g de pommes de terre à chair ferme en petits dés, mettez-les dans le bol du rice cooker avec 20 cl de bouillon et un peu de sel puis lancez la cuisson. Wait 10 to 15 minutes before uncovering the rice. You’re almost done, but there’s one crucial step you shouldn’t skip…. This prevents water from penetrating as easily. This allows it to absorb any residual steam. It’s simply too hot to eat. Note: Feel free to soak brown rice for 30 minutes before popping it in the rice cooker. Neglect this, and your appliance will let you down prematurely. Alternatively, use an ordinary measuring cup. Pop your freshly washed rice into your rice cooker. Le riz cuit par absorption à 100°C. Stick with even quantities and it makes the math easier when you’re working out the rice/water ratio. Typically for most white rice, there's a 1/1 ratio, or shown on a rice maker. En revanche, n'hésitez pas à ajouter des aromates comme du thym ou du laurier et des épices. Comptez 1 volume de lentilles corail pour 2 volumes d’eau. Ca marche aussi pour les poissons, à condition de n’être que deux personnes car les paniers sont plus petits qu’un cuit vapeur classique. The water should have a slightly milky appearance as it drains off from the rice. ➺ The safest ratio to begin with is 1½ to 1¾ cups of water per cup of rice. Vous ne pourrez faire également qu’un petit gâteau car il se cuit directement dans le bol du rice cooker.