You will generally need to use unstressed pronouns rather than stressed ones. Italian is what linguists call a "pro-drop" language, which simply means that the pronoun can be dropped. In Italian you have to use indirect object pronouns with verbs such as dire (meaning to tell) and telefonare (meaning to phone). This work investigates the processing of Italian subject pronouns, both the null and the overt pronoun, in intra-sentential anaphora. The word order in Italian is: Subject (if expressed) + indirect object pronoun + verb. Learn italian subject pronouns with free interactive flashcards. Italian subject pronouns. It’s not necessary for comprehension, the way it is in English, because the subject of the verb is evident from the conjugated verb. The most important rule to keep in mind about Italian object pronouns is that they usually appear before the verb, while in English they follow the verb. In English we nearly always put a subject pronoun in front of a verb: I know Paul; they ’re nice. Here are the unstressed indirect pronouns. In Italian the verb ending usually makes it clear who the subject is, so generally no pronoun is necessary. Choose from 500 different sets of italian subject pronouns flashcards on Quizlet. Cosa hai regalato a … Italian Indirect Object Pronouns: Rules. In English we use the same set of “object” pronouns, but in Italian there’s a special form: me, te, lui, lei (Lei), noi, voi, loro. 1 When to use subject pronouns in Italian. A processing hypothesis is proposed, the Position of Antecedent Hypothesis, based on the assumption that there is a division of labor, with the null pronoun preferring a more prominent antecedent than the overt one. The good news is that apart from the first two, me & te (which are dead easy anyway) they’re the same as the subject pronouns which we started with … Without the pronouns it would not be clear who or what is the subject of the verb. As with direct object pronouns, there are unstressed and stressed indirect object pronouns.