Harry J. Gensler, S.J., is Professor of Philosophy at John Carroll University in Cleveland. I assume that the reader is already familiar with some examples of structures, such as fields, groups,graphs,orpartialorders. Außerdem analysiert es Rezensionen, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. Father Harry J. Gensler, a Jesuit priest and philosopher, packs a lot of material into this large glossy paperback logic textbook. Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. Stattdessen betrachtet unser System Faktoren wie die Aktualität einer Rezension und ob der Rezensent den Artikel bei Amazon gekauft hat. Interestingly, poets are not worse at grasping the material. Leider ist ein Problem beim Speichern Ihrer Cookie-Einstellungen aufgetreten. April 2019, Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 13. Its key features, all retained in the Second Edition, include: simpler ways to test arguments than those available in competing textbooks, including the star test for syllogisms a wide scope of materials, making it suitable for introductory logic courses (as the primary text) or intermediate classes (as the primary or supplementary book) engaging and easy-to-understand examples and arguments, drawn from everyday life as well as from the great philosophers a suitability for self-study and for preparation for standardized tests, like the LSAT a reasonable price (a third of the cost of many competitors) exercises that correspond to the LogiCola program, which may be downloaded for free from the web. Gensler's online logic quiz, meant to be taken as a logic gut check at you start the book, is a particular highlight. Since I don't know a lot of math and am generally intimidated by logic, I thought this book would lose me pretty quickly, but I was pleased to discover that I could follow it (even when I didn't take time to do all the exercises) very easily. I have taught both "math for poets" and "math for CS majors" out of this. Um aus diesem Karussell zu navigieren, benutzen Sie bitte Ihre Überschrift-Tastenkombination, um zur nächsten oder vorherigen Überschrift zu navigieren. Wilfrid Hodges' "Logic", followed by Smullyan's "First-order logic". Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Covering both traditional and contemporary logic, he also provides a history of logic in addition to logic exercises for each section that correspond to an online logic program at his website. I am enjoying learning about this stuff after a beginner course in Logic 101 40 years ago in college. Momentanes Problem beim Laden dieses Menüs. Es wird kein Kindle Gerät benötigt. Hier bei uns wird hoher Wert auf die faire Betrachtung des Vergleiches gelegt und der Artikel zuletzt mit einer finalen Bewertung bepunktet. April 2017. book was recommended by Norman Geisler in his book Come Let Us Reason. Copi's writing is so clear and thorough, he makes this sometimes opaque subject quite accessible and understandable. This is a student-friendly approach to logic.” –Michael Bradie, Bowling Green State University, "Professor Gensler's Introduction to Logic is superb! “This new edition is a significant improvement on an already excellent text. Zugelassene Drittanbieter verwenden diese Tools auch in Verbindung mit der Anzeige von Werbung durch uns. An introduction to non classical logic solutions - Der absolute Vergleichssieger . Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. His teaching on logic and mathematics culminated in the 1941 classic INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC, which uses the method of deduction and explores logic and methodology as it pertains to creating mathematical theories… Logic is not just for Spock; deduction (which, if you read this book, you'll discover is rather different) is not just for Sherlock Holmes. Nachdem Sie Produktseiten oder Suchergebnisse angesehen haben, finden Sie hier eine einfache Möglichkeit, diese Seiten wiederzufinden. The free program accompanying the text, with its game format, is a genuine tutorial that enables students to master the concepts of each section through new examples and instant feedback. I am extremely impressed with Copi's "Introduction to Logic". Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 18. Introduction to Logic combines likely the broadest scope of any logic textbook available with clear, concise writing and interesting examples and arguments. Wählen Sie ein Land/eine Region für Ihren Einkauf. August 2015, Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 24. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Virtually every chapter in the first edition has been significantly revised for greater clarity…I believe that Gensler’s Introduction to Logic is the best text available today for teaching logic. Given the extremely low level of mathematical technique taught in US high schools these days, trying to teach them calculus is (in my opinion) a waste of time. Prime-Mitglieder genießen Zugang zu schnellem und kostenlosem Versand, tausenden Filmen und Serienepisoden mit Prime Video und vielen weiteren exklusiven Vorteilen. His work on the concepts of truth and logical consequence as defined by mathematical theory are cornerstones of modern logic, influencing developments in mathematics, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science. Sie hören eine Hörprobe des Audible Hörbuch-Downloads.