It’s important to remember that unless you build a very tall fence, there is no such thing as a deer-proof garden. Corolla is salverform, bearing 5 glands apically on the tube, lobes often with prominent eyespot at the throat. It grows well in hot and … Imagine a cool corner of the forest, green leaves above, soft earth below, a carpet of flowers, the air heavy with floral perfume. Examples would be Hostas or Tulips, which taste like candy to a deer and almost always eaten when deer are present. They obtained a utility patent on the trait and used it as the foundation for their annual Vinca/Periwinkle breeding program. form a strategic partnership called N.C. This plant is seldom damaged by deer. When deer are given a choice,they will usually opt for an alterna- tive to the plants listed here. Seeds can be sown in March in warm temperatures and planted out in early June. It does not need pinching or deadheading. Moderate to high drought tolerance. In addition, it has the potential to creep throughout your entire garden blooming intermittently throughout the summer. Particularly Resistant To (Insects/Diseases/Other Problems): Moderate to high drought tolerance. In this article, we'll show you how to grow a heavenly-scented shade garden. Flowers have a slender tube and 5 spreading lobes, rose-pink, white, or white with a reddish eye. - 0 ft. 10 in. Vinca (Catharanthus) is a hardy annual plant that is drought-tolerant. It blooms from June until frost. One of the best options is to incorporate plants that deer, If your deer problem is severe, plant these 10 plants in a pseudo-perimeter. Also known as Creeping Myrtle or Periwinkle Flowers, these plants produce beautiful light blue and purple flowers. - 1 ft. 6 in. Elongate follicles within one persisting calyx. Leaves opposite, simple, smooth-margined. Fruits quickly form during blooming season, resembling a "V" or victory sign. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Oblong to elliptic-oblong to oblong-spatulate, glabrous, glossy with a pale midrib. Read our Commitment to Diversity | Read our Privacy Statement. It is very attractive with glossy foliage and blooms even during heat stress. Topsoil being carried away by rainfall can be a serious problem. Utilized as a ground cover in beds, bedding, borders. fruits long, slender, often paired. Vinca. It is an easily identified bedding plant by its salverform corollas with 5 glands on the tube & distinct fruits. Gardeners who live in heavily deer-populated areas know just how frustrating it can be to see their hard work trampled and eaten by hungry, roaming deer. However, it tough in the face of many other conditions such as dappled shade and various soil types. NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to Axillary, solitary, rosy-pink to mauve to reddish, or white. While it prefers acidic soil, it tolerates a range of soil types so long as it has good drainage. Plant it in the full sun to partial or dappled shade in moist well-drained soil. The following is a list of landscape plants rated according to their resistance to deer … Madagascar Periwinkle is an evergreen, erect to spreading herbaceous tender perennial to 4' tall, frequently planted as an annual as it is not cold hardy. Become a member of the exclusive club and join the gardening elite! The plants on this list are seldom eaten or damaged beyond repair by deer. Whole Plant Traits: Plant Type: Annual Ground Cover Poisonous Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics: Semi-evergreen Habit/Form: Erect Spreading Maintenance: Width: 0 ft. 8 in. Erect to decumbent, upturned apically; lateral branches ascending. Deer will eat anything if they are hungry enough, and they can adapt and eat plants that are considered “resistant.” However, they do have their favorites, and they’re more attracted to places where their favorite food is easily available. The idea behind deer-resistant gardening is to fill your yard with plants they don’t prefer, in hopes … Vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, hallucinations, depression, tremors, seizures, coma, death, Salverform flowers with 5 glandular dots on upper corolla tube. Goldsmith Seeds, Inc. discovered and characterized the genetic resistance to aerial Phytophthora in their annual Vinca/Periwinkle breeding germplasm nearly two decades ago. Fortunately, there are numerous steps gardeners can take to keep deer at bay. Not your average shade garden plant, the corydalis is noteworthy for its beautiful fern-like … Dimensions: Height: 0 ft. 6 in. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. It blooms all summer from July through September, only stopping at frost. Actually, don't imagine it--build it yourself! The most effective way to stop deer is an 8 foot tall fence around your garden, but if you don't have the time or money to build a fence right now, here are some other ways to deter deer. Deer Resistant Plants. Vinca Minor Vines are an outstanding choice for deer-resistant ground cover because of their beautiful flowers. Corydalis. The calyx is green, tube slender, lobes subulate.