2. Importance of entrepreneurship can not be undermined nowadays. So, it can reduce unemployment. The importance of entrepreneurship to individual cannot be neglected for the provision of employment. Why is it so important? The role of entrepreneurship in the development of an economy of a nation is explained under the below headings. Role of Entrepreneurs. importance of entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship is a key to national development and solution to many problems. The process of Entrepreneurship is like planting a new tree. This, then, increases their overall visibility in the market. Haven’t we all wondered at least once in our lives why entrepreneurship is so appealing to the majority? This hard work starts with the entrepreneur and trickles down the entire organization.But this is a very broad definition and does not really appreciate and highlight the actual role of entrepreneurs with respect to their enterprises.. Let us have a look at these below. This article discusses the importance of entrepreneurs. Reduce capitalization: This is an era of capitalization. 1. Because if entrepreneurship develops in any country it should need a large number of workers for every stage. The entrepreneur has an important role in the development of any country, the reason being that an entrepreneur is that person or group of persons that make the maximum utilization of resources of production possible available in that country. Through digital platforms, previously-unknown enterprises can make free websites and promotional materials. Entrepreneurs create jobs: Entrepreneurs, in addition to employing themselves, also create a number of job opportunities with their business venture. A lot of hard work goes into starting and eventually expanding an enterprise. It also aims to help out small-scale businesses that cannot afford to shell out a budget for promotion. And capitalization rise because of some … A tree provides filtered air for humans, fruits for kids, grass for animals, home for birds, and wood for the farmer. Importance of Entrepreneurship. Decrease unemployment: The development of entrepreneurship can reduce unemployment dramatically. After the creation of wealth, the best way in which entrepreneurship serves the society is the availability of vacancies in new business under different categories. If countries declare it as a national asset, it will not be illegitimate.. All the major activities of entrepreneur revolve around the people of the society. The key to the establishment of a new venture is the Entrepreneur that boosts up the economy and rejuvenates the established business firms that maintain the structure of an economy. Entrepreneurship is the driver of a new economy, a driver for social changes and a possibility for many young people for self-employment. Role and Importance of Entrepreneurship. 1. Importance of entrepreneurship development. The importance of entrepreneurship goes beyond just promoting further success for the big shots. The importance of entrepreneurship in a country and its economic growth is remarkable. An entrepreneur is like a tree. role and importance of an entrepreneur.