Replant in enriched soil containing garden compost, making sure that the top of the clump is just above the ground. Wrap the rhubarb stalks in aluminum foil to preserve the texture and flavor. Why force rhubarb? Plants look sickly, fail to grow and rot at the crown. We recommend that you grow rhubarb from one-year-old plants, or crowns. Crown rot: This is a common problem caused by various soil or water-borne fungi or bacteria. Flowers: appear in June and July. The ideal pH level for growing rhubarb is about 5.5 to 6.5. Rhubarb can also be planted in very large pots at least 50cm (20in) deep and wide. Rhubarb is acidic Then, rest the foil on a flat surface and place your bundle of rhubarb in the center of it. Do not pick any stems in the first year or two and always remove any flowering spikes. A pound of cut rhubarb yields 3 to 4 cups of chopped rhubarb. Ideally, the area where you are planning to plant rhubarb should have well-draining soil with compost or well-decayed manure worked into the soil. Cut a piece of foil that is at least twice as wide as your bundle of rhubarb, and 1–2 in (2.5–5.1 cm) longer than the stalks. To divide rhubarb, lift and identify the large dome-like buds and, using a spade, split into chunks containing 4-5 buds. Rhubarb is a great option for the first-time vegetable gardener. To chop rhubarb, cut the width of the stalk into 1/4-inch or 1/2-inch pieces. Rhubarb Front Page -guidelines for guest posts-Presentation Skills; The Newbie Blueprint for Virtual Presentation Success; What is Your Story? Common problems. Rhubarb Guest Posts at SkillsYouNeed. Rhubarb grows well in almost any garden soil, although, like most plants, it does not like soggy soil. Growing rhubarb Gardening Guides from BBC Gardening. 6. Both species are native to South America and were introduced to the UK as ornamental plants in the 19th Century. This can spread to stems and foliage causing the plant die. Common Name: Giant-Rhubarbs (Giant-rhubarb and Brazilian Giant-rhubarb) Latin name: Gunnera tinctoria, Gunnera manicata. Carefully, fold the edges of the foil around the rhubarb until it is completely covered. In Detail. It looks a bit like a rhubarb leaf, with irregular and very sharp or jagged edges - which has given rise to one of its other common names - wild rhubarb.The underside of the leaf is hairy. Cut stalks wider than one inch in half. Remedy: Prompt action may save the plant. RHUBARB is one of the easiest crops to grow, but spend a little time taking care of it before winter sets in and you will get an even better crop next year.