The American Brewers Guild is a newer school but boasts an impressive list of brewer graduates. This will require still more testing, which we will explore next. Average salary (a year) £13,500 Starter. Craft Brewer’s Apprenticeship (CBA) – 27 weeks; The main difference is that the CBA course includes a 5-week apprenticeship program after week 22. The best part of their program is the first 21 weeks are online training. After working in a microbrewery in West Sussex and as an engineer for brewery start-ups, I am now brewing at 1516 Brewing Company in Vienna, one of the most innovative microbreweries in Austria. However, all brewers are responsible for making beer either at specific stages of production or in its entirety from ingredients intake to final package. Being a home brewer and assistant brewer, Darren is honing his craft and on his way to becoming a Master of the Brews. The brewer occupation is a diverse role which may vary considerably across the sector. I studied brewing and beverage technology at Weihenstephan in Germany and graduated as a Master Brewer in 2005. Step #4: Get Tested! The ABG is tempting if you are trying to get into brewing but can’t afford to leave your day job to travel to a campus like Siebel. to. American Brewers Guild. One month a year the brewing apprentice attends school. Brewery workers brew and package beer. This is in contrast to the apprentice, which is more like on-the-job training. People searching for Brewmaster: Job Duties, Education Requirements & Salary found the links, articles, and information on this page helpful. £25,000 ... You could do an intermediate apprenticeship in food and drink brewing industry skills or lean manufacturing. Brewers may work for breweries with large-scale national or international production through to small microbreweries. The way I see it, if a day at the ‘office’ is especially rough as a brewer, at least you have some liquid relief at the end of the day. Why did you want to become a brewer? ... send alerts when new apprenticeships become available and has advice on how to apply. In Germany to become a brewer, one must enter a three-year apprenticeship program at a qualified brewery. Why Become an Apprentice Through an apprenticeship program, you can obtain paid, relevant workplace experience while acquiring the skills and credentials that employer’s value. The final step, of course, is becoming a master craftsman or barista. 94% of apprentices who complete an apprenticeship retain employment, with an average annual salary of $70,000. 2. They offer a 27 week program that prepares you for a variety of professional brewery positions including Brewmaster.