We have five varieties: Picual, Arbequina, Hojiblanca, Frantoio and Manzanillo; They cover all tastes and uses in the kitchen. Table olive from the Hojiblanca variety of olive tree. The Tree Hojiblanca is the third most planted variety in Spain behind Manzanillo and Picual. Join our olive lovers community and get the latest recipes, news, contests and more! It is also known as Casta de Cabra, Casta de Lucena and Lucentino. The tree is large and cold hardy. Diffusion. The Hojiblanca is distinguished by its fresh aromas and the predominance of grassy and fruity flavours. Hojiblanca has medium to high vigor and an erect medium to dense canopy. Flavors attributed to the variety: Slightly sweet to start with a bitter taste of unripe fruits and an almond aftertaste. The Hojiblanca is a prestigious varietal. It leaves a pleasant almond-like aftertaste with a hint of bitterness, which makes it deliciously suitable for marinades, stews, or even a snack all on its own! Elle représente 16 % de la production d'olive en Andalousie et est cultivée principalement dans les provinces de Séville, Cordoue et Nord Malaga.. Caractéristiques. HOJIBLANCA Area of origin: ANDALUSIA (SPAIN) TREE: A plant of good vigor with long fruit bearing branches. And while the Hojiblanca contains only a small amount of oil, it is still used for olive oil production because of its high quality. About 15% of the olive trees grown in Spain are Hojiblanca. And while the Hojiblanca contains only a small amount of oil, it is still used for olive oil production because of its high quality. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. We plant and care for the olive trees, collect the olives, make the oil, and when you place an order, we pack it and send it to you, so that you can enjoy the authentic taste of extra virgin olive oil. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Join our olive lovers community and get the latest recipes, news, contests and more! The peculiarities of the different olive varieties (Picual, Hojiblanca, Cornicabra, Arbequina, Manzanilla…). It is moderately resistant to cold and resistant to salinity. 2020 European Olives from Spain All rights reserved. The name Hojiblanca ("white leaf") is due to the color of the underside of the olive leaves, which gives the tree a pale silvery appearance. For this reason, their olives, apart from being used to produce olive oil, are also used to eat seasoned. Picked at its mature state, this fairly large olive has a firm pulp and is one of the most popular black table olives. The tree is large and cold hardy. The European Commission and the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (CHAFEA) do not accept any responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains. Hojiblanca means “white leaf” in Spanish, in reference to the silvery shade of the tree’s leaves. 2020 European Olives from Spain All rights reserved. It belongs to the rare category of dual-purpose olives that are processed for both olive oil and eating. Inside, there is a large, rough pit. Olive Tree Suppliers; Olive Tree Movers; Orchard Managers; Farming Equipment Suppliers; Olive Suppliers; Harvesting Service Providers; Bottling Service Providers; Other; Millers; Consultants; Testing Laboratories; Tours and Tasting Bars; Olive Oil Purveyors; … Lechín de Sevilla – These olives from Seville province are typically mixed in with others to produce blends of olive oil. Il tolère les sécheresses et les sols limoneux ou de mauvaise qualité. Its skin is thicker than other olive varieties, and its colour ranges from deep purple to black. Links. Santa Cruz Olive Tree Nursery specializes in Mediterranean Varietals. The olive of the hojiblanca olive trees is rounded and with a medium-high size compared to other varieties, like the arbequina and picual. It is rated highly as a table fruit and produces excellent quality olive oil. It leaves a pleasant almond-like aftertaste with a hint of bitterness, which makes it deliciously suitable for marinades, stews, or even a snack all on its own! Hojiblanca Olives are medium to large plump olives that ripen to a light purple with firm flesh. Inside, there is a large, rough pit. Other denominations for this variety of olives include Casta de Cabra, Casta de Lacena and Lucentino. Origine du nom. Hojiblanca Olives are medium to large plump olives that ripen to a light purple with firm flesh. The tree is upright in growth habit, and vigorous. It belongs to the rare category of dual-purpose olives that are processed for both olive oil and eating. FRUIT: The fruit is medium in size (4.3 grams) and is used for brinned olives as well as oil. And while the Hojiblanca contains only a small amount of oil, it is still used for olive … It is native to Andalusia where it grows over broad swathes of the territory. C'est le troisième olivier le plus commun d'espagne et il est largement utilisé pour son huile. After reading our publication abaut Hojiblanca vs Picual you will be able to choose more easily between these olive tree varieties.We have broken down the differences between the Hojiblanca and Picual olive oil, as well as the characteristics of Picual and Hojiblanca olive trees.. Other denominations for this variety of olives include Casta de Cabra, Casta de Lacena and Lucentino. And while the Hojiblanca contains only a small amount of oil, it is still used for olive … The cultivar is endemic to Priego de Córdoba. Other denominations for this variety of olives include Casta de Cabra, Casta de Lacena and Lucentino. Hojiblanca means “white leaf” in Spanish, in reference to the silvery shade of the tree’s leaves. Originally from around Cordoba, Sevilla and Malaga, Hojiblanca olive trees are highly valued because they’re extremely hardy and productive, even in less productive years. Hojiblanca means “white leaf” in Spanish, in reference to the silvery shade of the tree’s leaves. En andalou, hojiblanca signifie feuille blanche . Kalamata PDO olive oil also comes from this region but is made with Koroneiki variety olives, not Kalamon.