Large group discussions have certain downfalls when it comes to getting students to talk. Benefits, Drawbacks of Online Class Discussion Boards Online discussion boards lead to different kinds of student relationships. The E-Learning methods currently practiced in education tend to make participating students undergo contemplation, remoteness and a lack of interaction.As a result, many of the students and teachers who inevitably spend much of their time online can start experiencing signs of social isolation, due to the lack of human communication in their lives. 2. You can discuss issues with fellow students. Lack of attention from the teacher, or poor teaching in general. Parents and students would also have different answers. In this post, we outline eight disadvantages of online communication – some real, some perceived – specifically in the context of citizen engagement. You have access to on-campus student facilities. ... Also as Lucy mention they basically replace the face-to-face discussions that occur within the classroom setting. 1. For example, group … Many students are not comfortable speaking in front of the whole class. Importantly, however, we outline strategies to overcome any shortcomings. In my experience many things can be disadvantages in classroom environments. Ask teachers what their optimum classroom size is, and each teacher would have a different answer. Uncomfortable classroom furniture. Disadvantages of Online Communication: #1. Classroom Learning Advantages: You can ask questions (assuming the instructor welcomes questions). A quiz at the beginning of class may well increase class discussion by encouraging students to come prepared and ready to talk. While it may seem that having fewer students in a class would allow an educator to provide more one-on-one attention, in truth, fewer is not always better when it comes to students. A whole class discussion can be a wonderful tool when used correctly, but it is not always the best strategy to use if the goal is to get every student to talk. Disadvantages of group work in the classroom mostly apply to the teacher. 3. The advantages of discussion groups include increased productivity, enhanced creativity and the ability to reach a general consensus among all participants. Mr. K does point out a significant disadvantage of these discussions and one as facilitators in which we need to be attuned. Many teachers support this method as whole group discussions typically provide greater interaction between teacher and students. It provides a surprising amount of flexibility in the classroom, despite the lack of the traditional lecture. Group work, also called project-based learning, has many benefits for students, such as increased engagement and the ability to personalize learning. By Devon Haynie , Assistant Managing Editor, Cities Nov. 8, 2013 Thanks for the A2A. Pros of Whole Group Discussion as a Teaching Method . Some of the disadvantages are the potential for group members to slip into "groupthink," the differences among separate personality types and the time required to establish discussion groups. Classroom Learning Disadvantages: Travel time and cost. Finally, the “think-pair-share” is a strategy that will assist introverts (allowing for time to reflect and process) and students from other cultures (better defined expectations for class participation). Advantages/Disadvantages of Discussion Boards in the Online Classroom. The Advantages & Disadvantages of Class Sizes. Inappropriate heating 4. There is ample opportunity for social interaction and support.