My advice is to be patient and save your money each month until you can afford it. Cold Steel Persian Shamshir: $218.74: Back Ordered. It was a short chopping sword, likely not used much for blade on blade contact, but only against flesh. Cold Steel Scimitar: $209.95: Back Ordered. That we can have a store devoted to such a huge variety of garb, costume, props, weapons, etc., that … Khopesh Synthetic Trainer This design came from a weapon out of King Tuts tomb originally out of brass. Crafted from carbon steel and other fine materials, Cold Steel … Damascus and Koftgari Inlay Dagger with Dhole Head Pommel: $74.96: ... Large Egyptian Khopesh: … … Whether you are looking for a Chinese war sword, a medieval halberd, a Renaissance dagger, or a tribal spear, you can find the perfect functional weapon from Cold Steel here at Buying a Sword. Cold Steel All Purpose Tactical Machete with Sheath, Great for Clearing Brush, Survival, Camping and Outdoor Activities 4.6 out of 5 stars 5,111 Sword Valley Handmade Anime Cosplay Sword, Stainless Steel… "Honestly, I'm a huge fan because Dark Knight Armoury represents a rise in LARP culture in the US. Trust me, … Even at $80, you wont be able to find a decent beater sword from Cold Steel let alone a khopesh.