Bamboo Mites. I have had the plant for about 2 years, I water it when the water gets low, and it sits in decorative rocks in a glass container. Allow it to soak for a few minutes, then blast it off with the garden hose using a high pressure stream of water. Unfortunately, the yellowing leaves quickly gave bloom to black mold spots, a condition that seemed peculiar in the plants dry location. It grew nicely for the first year or two and now suddenly you have noticed all kinds of black stuff growing on the bamboo. Pour the water out of the lucky bamboo's container and rinse the rocks or sand at the bottom thoroughly. Here’s what a bamboo plant needs to thrive: Some diseases in bamboo plants are spread primarily through nurseries that sell diseased plants. It’s unsightly and sickly looking, and you don’t know what to do. The mold’s development begins with honeydew drops that are left behind by aphids. As a soil-borne fungus, it's present at all times, even deep winter. The first symptom is a mosaic discoloration pattern on the leaves. Therefore, treatment of the bamboo after the culms have been removed is still necessary to eliminate the pests. You don't have to worry about the black spots on you plant. Coffee grounds act like a natural systemic pesticide, and you can get them for free if you are not a traditional coffee drinker from Starbucks and other coffee houses. So you bought a beautiful bamboo plant and planted it in your yard. I got a lucky bamboo plant from Chinatown about 2 months ago and so far it is healthy and green, but I noticed 3 little black dots on the top of one of the leaves a couple weeks ago, they haven't progressed, but they also haven't receded, so I was wondering if this is normal, or if it's a problem that is just getting started that I need to fix. Good growing conditions promote healthy plants that resist diseases. It’s all over the place, but especially in the creases of the branching. Inspect your bamboo closely. After you have cleaned the sooty mold from the bamboo and it has dried, add horticultural oil to your pump up sprayer and apply the mixture to all the branch nodes (typically early in the morning). How to Grow & Propagate Dendrocalamus Validus from Bamboo Culm Cuttings. Why Did My Gardenia's Leaves Turn Black? They make an excellent accent plant for your home. But I've never seen mites, so I wouldn't know. It’s easier to prevent bamboo plant diseases than to cure them once they take hold. Therefore, if you are a bamboo lover like myself, simply plant those that are not as susceptible. You can treat the disease with a copper-based fungicide, but since the plants that have spots are old, consider culling them to make room for younger, more vigorous plants. An oil poly finish was also tested as a control-no spots. Lastly, remember that forests deposit their leaves on the ground during the dry seasons, providing an airated mulch that will keep in moisture. Not only are they difficult to see with … Fortunately, there aren’t many diseases that affect bamboo, and they are easily distinguished. A location with plenty of bright sunlight promotes good health and vigor. As I mentioned above, ants love the nectar left behind by the aphids, so this is a sure sign that you are on the verge of another infestation. Black sooty mold is one of the most common bamboo plant diseases. Before you can treat bamboo diseases, you have to identify the problem. A healthy stand of bamboo is surprisingly resistant to pests and diseases. I always plant my gardenias near a window or door so I can enjoy the fragrant flowers even while I am inside. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Currently you have JavaScript disabled.