Disk or till chopped ferns no deeper than 3-4 inches to avoid damaging crowns. These cells are thick-walled and contain lignin, a supporting material. Contrary to popular belief, thinner stems are not an indication of tenderness. Do not irrigate for 48 hours after application, but then irrigate sufficiently to move the fertilizer into the root zone. AN-20 fertilizer formulation (Do not allow contact with spears or fern): This is a manufactured 20-0-0 formulation (containing 20% N) that may be applied at 50 to 70 gallons of product per acre as a foliar spray. Use proper safety precautions and suitable spray equipment (stainless steel). The female plants bear seeds, which take considerable energy from the plant and sprout new seedlings, which cause overcrowding in the bed. Many of these new varieties are being tested by researchers and growers in the Northwest, primarily in Washington State. Seed at a rate of 2 to 3 lb seed/acre, 1/2 to 1 inch deep, into open furrows 6-8 inches deep. Second year harvest is usually limited to 4-6 weeks depending on crop vigor. Nitrogen liquid fertilizer formulations having herbicidal effects: AN-20, ammonium thiosulfate, and mixtures of these two materials as well as monocarbamide dihydrogensulfate (monourea sulfuric acid) can be used successfully in a number of crops to provide nitrogen and sulfur. The cause of flattened (faciated) spears is unknown. Due to the narrow genetic base of asparagus varieties, there appears to be little difference between cultivars in fiber content or development. Since the number of spears per acre, per season, is similar from year-to-year, spear diameter is an important factor in yield. The amount of nitrogen per gallon of material, the rate at which it is applied, and the phytotoxicity of the material determines how these materials can be used. California hybrids, developed for warm conditions, produce spears which do not open or "fern" as quickly as do other varieties under warm temperatures. For high yields, follow good management practices regarding irrigation, pest control, etc. As seedlings begin to grow, begin to refill the furrows gradually and carefully so as not to bury young seedlings. These spears, although not poisonous, are off-flavor. This dish is also excellent served chilled. The plants grown from asparagus seeds and transplanted will not have endured the stress of being packaged and out of the ground for a period of time so may be better in the long term and have a lower failure rate when transplanting. A. Asparagus spears grow quickly and are sensitive to mechanical injury from cultivation or cutting tools, insects or wind-blown soil particles. In the spring broadcast 50 lb N/acre and the recommended amounts of phosphate and potash and plow 12 inches deep. For all other nutrients, use the section on "New Plantings.". When using asparagus as a salad, always wait until serving time to add the dressing as the high acid content of most dressings will turn the spears yellow. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be injected about 6 inches deep between rows in fall or early spring. Asparagus has a tendency to "rise" as the plants mature, the crowns gradually growing closer to the soil surface. Sautéed Asparagus with Mushrooms Use your favorite fresh mushroom for this recipe. These then fall to the ground, sprouting plants that essentially become perennial weeds in the asparagus bed. Fill in furrow gradually by cultivating as plants grow. Applying phosphorus after establishment is not beneficial. It is a finicky plant, harvested by hand and requiring much attention during the brief growing season. Although this adds a year to the process of establishing the bed, it does ensure fresh plants and the widest possible variety selection. Asparagus may be damaged by exposure to ethylene, and should not be stored with apples, or other ethylene generating material. Water blanch small spears 2 minutes, medium spears 3 minutes and large spears 4 minutes. Keep asparagus upright in containers with moisture pads whenever possible. Zinc deficiency in asparagus has been demonstrated, but the problem is rare. Harvest intervals are generally 24-36 hours apart depending on weather. Jersey Giant, Jersey Knight, Jersey Prince, Syn 53, Syn 4-362, UC 157 and Viking KBC are new hybrids with larger yields. During cooler weather, harvest shorter spears. Tunnels are opened periodically for harvest and then closed again. Controlled-atmosphere storage at 2-3% oxygen and 5-10% carbon dioxide can extend storage life to 4-5 weeks. If started from seed, asparagus will take about 3 years to become productive. Asparagus is a hardy perennial. Asparagus is low in calories and provides substantial amounts of two antioxidants—vitamin A and C. It truly shines as a source of folate and has a goodly amount of fiber. 2 yield were not significant. Every second year, apply potassium at 60 lb K2O/acre or the rate indicated by a soil test. For questions or feedback about our college or website, please Contact Us. Seed in well-drained, well-prepared sandy, sandy loam or muck soils that are free of perennial weeds and grasses. The remainder of the N should be sidedressed at the first cultivation. Adventurous gardeners can start their own plants from seed. Asparagus roots may reach a depth of 10 feet and the soil should allow full development of the storage roots. apart in rows set 3-6 inches (8-15 cm.) Pencil thin or thick stems can be equally delicious. Use a vegetable peeler to peel an inch or two off the bottom end, if desired. My youngest son loves asparagus, but he does not feel that these tastes much like asparagus. Avoid harvesting small-diameter spears (less than 0.25"). During the Renaissance, asparagus was also promoted as an aphrodisiac and banned from the tables of most nunneries. These are low covers supported by wire hoops. If you want thinner spears, space the transplants 8-10 inches (20-25 cm.) Many gardeners apply an additional 1 to 2 inches of soil from between the rows in later years. Also, variety selection is usually much greater when shopping for seeds rather than crowns. Tenderness is related to maturity and freshness. Plant in furrows 4-5 feet apart, 8-10 inches deep and with crowns 6-9 inches apart. Phosphorus deficiency is rare in asparagus. There are total 285 trusted asparagus seed companies. Seed should be planted in late spring in well-prepared fertile soil which is around 75 F. Crowns are grown through the summer and dug the following spring for transplant to commercial fields. In Umatilla County asparagus harvest generally begins about the April 10 and may continue to through the end of June. Incorporate all plant residues shallow enough to avoid crown damage. To use this method, hold the top half of an asparagus spear in one hand and the bottom half between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. A long knife is then used to cut the spear. It can be held for about 10 days at 32 F, but it is subject to chilling injury when held longer at this temperature. Full-season harvest is conducted the third year but full production usually occurs about the 4th year. Cover with a plastic bag and refrigerate for 2 to 3 days or until ready to use. (Malheur Experiment Station Annual Reports), Nutrient Management for Sustainable Vegetable Cropping Systems in Western Oregon, Alfalfa, considerable top growth plowed under. In warm weather, harvest before spears reach 10". All the newer varieties are cold tolerant and are resistant to rust and fusarium. Cut spears into even lengths to fit freezer bags or freezer containers. Asparagus fields are generally established from the first of March to the end of April in the lower Columbia Basin. The total business generated in asparagus seed category is 153407 USD last month. Most of the asparagus production in the Pacific Northwest is for processing, but production for the fresh market is also important. Prepare a bowl of ice water and set aside. Standard hybrids (plants are 50:50 males and females): Jersey Centennial, UC 157. Early spring freezes caused the asparagus spears in my garden to turn brown and wither. Bacterial soft rot, which can occur at either the tip or butt of the asparagus, is the principal decay. Add asparagus to the boiling water and cook 4 to 5 minutes or until barely tender but still firm. Alert: Making Pesticide Applications in School/Community Gardens. This formulation weighs 10.55 lb/gal and contains 2.11 lb N/gal of product and would provide approximately 100 to 140 lb N/acre (but some N is lost through volatilization).