For plurals in the accusative, no matter what gender the word, they are also split: any plural word that's inanimate is identical to its nominative plural form, while … This means that if the noun is in the Accusative Case, then the adjective should also be in the Accusative Case. Feminine adjectives take the following endings. The verb хотеть - to want: Russian grammar and vocabulary. I love drinking good beer and watching an interesting movie! The accusative case of Russian adjective has a function to describe a noun from a direct object. Part 3 - The accusative case of adjectives. Accusative masculine = Nominative masculine, Feminine: its endings are unique to the Accusative, Accusative = Nominative (for all genders), Accusative masculine = Genitive masculine, Feminine: its endings are unique to the accusative. They love watching good movies. Just like a noun, the adjective in accusative also has a formula as you can see below. -ого (animate)[/td] [td]-ую[/td] [td]-ое[/td] [td]-ые (inanimate) We're going to the pet shop. The accusative Case: Adjetives In this lesson's dialogues we have seen examples of Nominative (Nom.) Thus, to understand Russian speech and speak Russian correctly, it is necessary to learn how to use cases in Russian. © Contact us Specifically, if a masculine word denotes an inanimate thing ('table', 'chair', etc), then it remains the same as the nominative. Disclaimer | Of course! )[/td] [td]-юю[/td] [td]-ее[/td] [td]-ие новая статья → новую статью –яя (soft stem) changes to –юю (acc.) Check how much you have learnt in this lesson: When you share our website, you're helping us continue with our project: developing free Russian courses for everyone. Logical. What is the Acc. Хо́чешь есть пи́ццу и смотре́ть фильм вме́сте? This course requires basic knowledge of Russian. The Accusative Case of Adjectives : If a noun is used in the Accusative case, the adjective that modifies that noun must also be in the Accusative case. Adjectives in the Accusative Case In Russian, adjectives agree with the noun in gender, number and case. I don't love your new friends! If this is not your case, we recommend you our Basic Russian Course . One little girl. Я не люблю́ твои́х но́вых друзе́й! А я смотрю́ но́вый фильм и ем большу́ю пи́ццу. Да, мои́ подру́ги их зна́ют. We recommend you the best Russian course, with 160 videos and personal tutor. Э́то не пра́вда. Мо́жет, лу́чше купи́ть ма́ленькую ко́шку? Copyright © All rights reserved. and Accusative (Acc.) And also, your friends don't love my delicious pancakes! The declined endings of adjectives and possessive pronouns are very similar. Why Does Kulebyaka Pie Always Be A Special Thing On Russian Christmas Day? !! The adjective agrees with the noun. … Shop - Russian school. Я ду́маю, что они́ чита́ют то́лько мо́дные журна́лы. The adjective agrees with the noun. Russian Christmas Celebration; You May Steal Everything on Rusian Svyatki Day. Case in adjectives. 4. We follow many of the same rules here as for the nouns: Inanimate masculine, neuter and all plural adjectives stay the same 5. Они́ лю́бят смотре́ть хоро́шие фи́льмы. Masculine adjectives take the nominative form if their noun is inanimate, and neuter adjectives always take their nominative form. The endings of Russian words change depending on the case they are in. form for "добрые братья"? That is why we have to see if the noun is inanimate or animate. Accusative adjectives . А ещё твои́ подру́ги не лю́бят мои́ вку́сные блины́! There are very few animate neuter nouns. And again, all adjectives that are modifying masculine animate and plural animate nouns will take the endings of the Genetive Case. Privacy Policy | That's not true. Read, listen and pay attention to the cases used. All my friends love your delicious pancakes. That's not true. If you love reading, have a look at these books with stories in easy Russian with audio. А я жду моего́ ма́ленького сы́на. Term of Use, The Accusative Case of Russian Adjectives, on The Accusative Case of Russian Adjectives, 6 Benefits of Learning Russian at an Early Age, Foreigner Tips! I think that they aren't very intelligent... Э́то не пра́вда. The hard adjectives have the suffix “-ый”, “-ой”, and “-ий”. He wants a big dog. The accusative case of Russian adjective has a function to describe a noun from a direct object. and Accusative (Acc.) 1. Contact Us | You can also look up these grammar tables while you read the dialogues: I'm reading an interesting magazine. Мой сын предпочита́ет до́брую соба́ку, а не ма́ленькую и злу́ю ко́шку. This lesson shows typical endings for singular and plural adjectives. Part 3 - The accusative case of adjectives This course requires basic knowledge of Russian. Did you see my best friends? Here are further examples of hard adjectives in Russian: [tr][td]-ий We have highlighted the words in accusative. If the object is animate, the adjective will be replaced with –ого for masculine and -ых for plural. Your email address will not be published. Read, listen and repeat the vocabulary of this lesson: If you still don't know how to read the Cyrillic alphabet, visit our course on how to read Russian. The nouns, adjectives, pronouns and numerals may have different case forms in the sentence. The Russian language has six cases to show what function a noun has in a sentence: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, and prepositional. Все мои́ друзья́ лю́бят твои́ вку́сные блины́. If you’ve already familiar with the formulas and can create sentences using this case, let’s continue learning more about the adjective as well. If you want to practice your Russian, here you can find exercise books, with key and grammar tables. 2. And you? Just like a noun, the adjective in accusative also has a formula as you can see below. Хорошо́, что он не предпочита́ет большо́го и у́много слона́! In this lesson's dialogues we have seen examples of Nominative (Nom.) They read interesting books. Кста́ти, мо́жно пригласи́ть мои́х хоро́ших друзе́й на обе́д? Below are the further example of a soft adjectives in Russian: If you are already familiar and have a good understanding of the accusative case of nouns, the accusative of adjectives won’t be difficult because you only need to follow a noun, as shown in the example above. That is why we are not mentioning their rules in this course. Я люблю́ вку́сную пи́ццу. I'm watching a new movie and eating a big pizza.