We develop a mean-field theory in the strong rung interaction regime, i.e., (Formula presented) which provides a unified description of the undoped insulating phase and the low-doping phase—the so-called (Formula presented) phase. Planck's Constant from Friedmann Density Parameter ... Unified Field Theorem. Heim Theory. Next lets have a look at how the Unified Field Theory is used to propose and. 600: Saturday, November 24th, 2018 The return of the word “socialism” in the victimary era is no mere throwback; the word itself has been altogether transformed. Unified Field Theory (e.g. ... Guard against VIRUSES and Pathogens with the proven Colloidal Silver formula, Spartan Silver. Unified Field Theory (UFT), a proton has the shape of an octahedron. Evans developed a classical unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism on the background of a spacetime obeying a Riemann-Cartan geometry. Author: B. Mordvinov Relying on a fundamental empirical identity of heavy and inertial mass it is proposed to bring a status of general theory of relativity (GTR) of Einstein up to a level of Unified Field Theory. [1, 2, 3]) provides particles’ configurations, a capability that no existing theory has.This paper compares UFT and Standard Model (e.g. For this reason I call it a contribution to 'a unified field theory.' He’s also worked on TV shows including the 2003 Twilight Zone reboot, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and Black Sails. A unified field theory is formulated using a tetrad vector field. CHAPTER LIST for Navigating the Atomic Nucleus. General Theory of Relativity of Einstein as Unified Field Theory . The main model of UFT is Torque Grids that unify Space, Time, Energy and Force. Introduction. This paper has been written in a nonstandard format in order for it to be understood by both layperson and professional alike. 1. This is absolutely the most amazing book that you will ever read. 24 (A) it has an external symmetry. Thus the Unified Field Theory on the connection between gravity and the electromagnetic field has remained unproven until the present time. A new hypothetical Model called: the `Computational Unified Field Theory' (CUFT) was discovered over the past three years. The original purpose of my quest for a Unified Field Theory was to unify gravitation and electromagnetism, but I found that it was impossible to do this without creating a new model of the atom, a model that would fit the behavior exhibited by atoms in a gravitational field. Grand Unification Theory. Quantum gravity is an overall term for theories that attempt to unify gravity with the other fundamental forces of physics (which are already unified together). String theory combines the two theories by assuming there are multiple universes and dimensions beyond the ones we know. The theory is termed the Nuclear Magneton Theory of Mass Quantization, or NMT. In the mid-1930s, the theory of gravity was concerned only with celestial mechanics and cosmology. Unified Earth Science Theory, Geo-nuclear Climate Forcing Theory, Geo-magnetic Field Theory, The Non Expanding Universe Theory, Black holes, Carbon Dioxide Climate Forcing Hypothesis This is due to the gravitational dipole field that, depending on the distance, either pushes the trees to the ground or attracts them. But Heim’s mass formula was already programed and analyzed by physicists at the Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY – German Electron-Synchrotron) in 1981 – with convincing results. Maxwell's equations are formulated in terms of the connection. Force Field (NFF) - which now has a gravitational component. (2) the term c2 with the electric permittivity ε 0 This is one of the periodicities of this theory. Field theory. It generally posits a theoretical entity, a graviton, which is a virtual particle that mediates the gravitational force. Unified field theory,, in particle physics, an attempt to describe all fundamental forces and the relationships between elementary particles in terms of a single theoretical framework.In physics, forces can be described by fields that mediate interactions between separate objects.In the mid-19th century James Clerk Maxwell formulated the first field theory in his theory of electromagnetism. 1. The main objective of this talk is to drive a unified field model coupling four interactions, based on the principle of interaction dynamics (PID) and the principle of representation invariance (PID). Since Maxwell successfully unified previously separated electrical and magnetic fields in a new electromagnetic field, the idea of theory common for all physical force fields became apparent. A UNIFIED FIELD THEORY I: THE QUANTIZATION OF GRAVITY CLAUS GERHARDT Abstract. But in contrast, the unified field, or superstring field, is a completely self-referral, self-aware field—a completely self-interacting field, as Figure 1 shows—because at that fundamentally unified level of natural law, there is nothing else for the unified field to interact with. Colloidal Silver’s antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal properties make it the go-to preventative for traveling abroad or living in a world of sickness and disease. And yet it is mysteriously expanding outward. Second, at least for classical bodies it is possible to test the results of the theory, as will be shown in the following pages. Its topics include various problems in physics and math, beginning with the famous Unified Field problem of Einstein and string theory. He started publishing papers on unified field theories in 1943, based on earlier work of Eddington and Einstein. The generator for the field equation will be written from potentials. A new hypothetical Model called: the ‘Computational Unified Field Theory’ (CUFT) was discovered over the past three years. Einstein muses on a theory in which along with gravity tensor field gΜΝ there is also a vector field AΜ. At the end of the day, God’s love is infinite. Since the strong forces are along the axes of the octahedron of protons and neutron, the structure of ground state isotopes of any given element can be logically induced. Journey, Uncategorized Einstein Law of Relativity, Fundamental Building Block, GAGUT, Gij, God Almighty's Garand Unified Theorem, Grand Unified Field Theory, Grand Unified Theorem, Honorable Oyibo, Mathematics, Mathematics & physics, Oyibo & GAGUT, Physics Nobel Prize 2004 – Honorable Oyibo lines up again for Nobel Prize in Maths, Physics ... John is one of the most insightful men on the planet. In this paper it will be shown that CUFT is capable of resolving the key theoretical inconsistencies between quantum and relativistic models. Perhaps the most troubling enigma in modern natural sciences is the principle contradiction that exists between quantum mechanics and Relativity theory (Greene, 2003) ; Indeed, this principle incompatibility between Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Theory propelled Einstein to relentlessly pursuit a 'Unified Field Theory' (Einstein, 1929, 1931, 1951) and subsequently … 11. Sometimes, pursuing unity is an adventure like the pursuit of the unified field theory. unified theory so far". Hubble (64850.0814957 m / s) / Mpc = / (1 billion years) = 15.0780552. The 'Computational Unified Field Theory' (CUFT): Redefining Mass, Gravity & the Physical Universe . 1. 1.2. This is one of the periodicities of this theory. 6 talking about this. It also brings up a number of new and controversial concepts relating to nature. osti.gov journal article: renormalization of a unified theory of weak and electromagnetic interactions. Having completed the discussion of his road to general relativity and its basic features, Einstein begins to lay the groundwork for an extension of this theory toward a theory of “the total field,” namely, the unified theory (Notes, p. 69 [p. 177]). awesome incremental search I think the formula you are looking for is the Schrödinger Equation.It describes the behaviour of particles on … Abstract: We present a unified perspective on Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT), Density-Matrix Embedding Theory (DMET) and Rotationally Invariant Slave Bosons (RISB). Geometric Framework for Unified Field Theory Using Finsler Gauge Transformation MallikarjunaYallappaKumbar, 1 SachinJangir, 1 ... tensors 3 and are related by thefollowing formula: = M M 3 . 25. Unified Field Equations Although equations for electricity and (possible) gravity are appearing in the same quaternion equation, they are not really unified. He tried to create a unified field theory for the rest of his life. My name is Ashim Saha, an amateur theoretical physicist from India. Unified Field Theory . In 1980, Stephen Hawking claimed that the physicists have seen the outline of "final . Testing the Computational Unified Field Theory's (CUFT) 'Differential-Critical Prediction/s': The Higgs-Boson Particle May Not Exist Continuously! The goal of unified field theory is to take all the different parts of physics and combine them into one theory that explains everything.
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