Week 4 problem set (optional) 3h. A real-life example: the muon (outline) 2m. To use an example that is the corner-stone of Hilary Putnam’s conceptual relativity, Putnam claims that the simple question how many objects there are (say on a given table) could be answered variously depending on whether we use “a mereological or a Carnapian, common-sense, method of individuating objects”. In 1900, he recognized that Lorentz's "local time" is actually what is indicated by moving clocks by applying an explicitly operational definition of clock synchronization assuming constant light speed. ... 9 practice exercises. Clearly, there is limitation to pick examples or illustration from our real world. One can, for example, formulate the basic ideas of classical (that is, Newtonian) physics, the special theory of relativity, and the general theory of relativity in this language. Einstein’s famous analysis of absolute simultaneity showed that Newtonian absolute space and time were incorrect and had to be replaced by the space-time structure of Special Relativity. The light clock and … The half-life (amount of time for half of a material to decay) of a muon is 1.52 μs when it is at rest relative to the observer who measures the half-life. Bergson is sometimes claimed to have anticipated features of relativity theory. He there argues, I do not … The relativity of simultaneity (part 3) 30m. The simplest example is any non-orientable manifold. He wrote a paper on ‘Duration and Simultaneity with regard to Einstein’s Theory’ (1921). For a brief introduction to manifolds and the spacetime view, see the section on modern spacetime theories in the entry on the hole argument in this Encyclopedia. An important example is Henri Poincaré,: 73–80,93–95 who in 1898 argued that the simultaneity of two events is a matter of convention. But there aren’t really winners or … I have been reading the notion of real analytic space in nLab and found a statement that puzzles me. The relativity of simultaneity (summary) 30m. His Theory of General Relativity introduced an even stranger notion of space-time: a space-time with a non-Euclidean structure of variable curvature. This is the proper time Δ t 0 . Yet another aspect of the study of relativity is that it relates phenomena which occur over a very large spatial extent. The relativity of simultaneity (parts 1 and 2) 30m. Muons produced by cosmic ray particles have a range of velocities, with some moving near the speed of light. In the public debate between the two, it was generally held that Einstein ‘won’. The consideration of motion of light even for 0.1 second involves a linear extent of 30000000 meters. As if anticipating Franck’s strong, structural critique, Levinas staked out a surprising claim for the social simultaneity of the other and the third party in a 1982 interview entitled “Philosophy, Justice, and Love” (EN: 103–122).
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