The Ninth Circuit has ruled that the National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) conclusion that the yellowfin tuna fishery has no adverse impact on a dolphin population was based on inconclusive evidence and is therefore arbitrary and capricious. In the US, standards for Dolphin Safe tuna, developed by Congress with the help of the International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) of Earth Island, prohibit the use of a Dolphin Safe label on tuna caught by targeting and netting dolphins. In September of 1991, a new U.S. law took effect that established a definition of "dolphin safe" and required tuna canners to meet certain minimum criteria before they could claim their tuna as dolphin safe. Consumer Boycott. Earth Island Institute is the standard-bearer for dolphin-safe tuna labeling in the United States. of Dolphin Safe. The dolphin-safe labels are supposed to ensure that canned, dried and frozen tuna has been caught without endangering dolphins. EII provided a variety of such vital services as administrative Since then, various forms of dolphin-safe tuna labelling have taken hold around the world. LEXIS 9572 (9th Cir. Two Mexican tuna canneries -- both based in Baja, California -- have signed pledges with Earth Island Institute to buy and sell only dolphin-safe tuna for markets in Mexico and for export. The Earth Island Institute estimates that close to 100,000 dolphin were killed each year as a result of tuna fishing bycatch during the 1980s April, 1988 filmmaker and biologist Sam LaBudde released a video of dolphins caught in a purse seine intended for tuna. Getty Images The United States pioneered use of the “dolphin-safe” tuna label in the 1990s. An Effort to Reduce Dolphin Bycatch in Canned Tuna A Dolphin Safe Label. In the early 1990s the international canned tuna. Earth Island - press releases on dolphin-safe tuna 1996-1999 carton 12, folder 59 Letters to President William J, Clinton from environmental groups and legislators 1995-1997 Dolphin-safe labeling. But in 1997, with dolphin kills at a fraction of their former level, a new law allowed tuna to be labeled dolphin-safe if shipboard observers saw no dolphins killed or injured by the nets. In 1995 the Dolphin Safe label definition and standards by IMMP and the US Congress were enlarged to also ban any tuna from carrying the label where any dolphins were accidentally killed or seriously. Dolphin Safe Tuna. Free Online Library: Keep the "Dolphin Safe" tuna label honest! While the U.S. dolphin-safe labelling process has received its fair share of praise and scrutiny, the initiative aided in monumental reductions in the commercial tuna fishing industry’s impacts This law, called the Dolphin Protection Consumer Information Act (DPCIA), was a positive step in the right direction. Contains NO MSG. what does dolphin friendly tuna mean? Dolphin-safe label victory by Mark J. Palmer Earth Island Journal, Winter 2001-2002 Last July, a three-judge panel for the federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously upheld Judge Thelton Henderson's decision in "Brower vs. Daley," Earth Island Institute's landmark tuna-labeling lawsuit. New US `Dolphin-Safe' Label is a Dolphin Death Certificate. Mr. Watson should get his facts straight. However, when speaking to a representative, Seaspiracy reveals that it is impossible for the Earth Island Institute to actually guarantee that each can of tuna is dolphin safe. The Earth Island Institute Dolphin-Safe Project and Friend of the Sea Recognize Thai tuna Environmental and Social Sustainability Efforts. Getty Images. The United States pioneered use of the “dolphin-safe” tuna label in the 1990s. > Now that fishermen could no longer use what was previously the most common method for catching tuna, they needed to change strategies. Their 5 standards that companies must adhere to can be found on their website, along with a List of Approved Dolphin-Safe Tuna Companies in the US. Earth Island and other groups, who developed the "Dolphin Safe" label in 1990, charged that the Clinton/Gore Administration's weakening of U.S. dolphin protection laws to accommodate tuna millionaires in Mexico and other countries in the name of free trade would result in more dolphin deaths. Therefore, for now, the “dolphin-safe” labeling standard will remain as it has been for the past twelve years. “Flipper” became the new face of dolphin-friendly tuna after a bad stumble in the marketplace with the term “dolphin safe” cost StarKist its early benefits. Our Mission. by the blood of dolphins - as Dolphin Safe. Earth Island Inst. Earth Island Inst. U.S. Production. The U.S. government began regulating the use of dolphin-safe tuna labels in the 1990s. Over 40 Thai tuna companies have been certified Dolphin -Safe and some of them Friend of Analysis: This is a hugely compressed telling of the tale. 50 CFR 216 Subpart H: Dolphin-Safe Tuna Labeling. The United States pioneered use of the “dolphin-safe” tuna label in the 1990s. The dolphin-safe tuna logo, found on any can of Starkist, Bumblebee or Chicken of the Sea, comes at an enormous cost to the ocean ecosystem. The recent guest opinion by the Cato Institute’s K. William Watson “Dolphin Safe Label on Canned Tuna is a Fraud”, April 29, 2015 is full of more holes than a tuna net. Safe Catch is an approved Earth Island Institute (EII) Dolphin Safe company. v. Hogarth, 2007 U.S. App. While remaining silent during the certification procedure for the Pacifical skipjack free-school fishery, the US-based NGO Earth Island Institute (EII) expressed their concerns that the MSC-certified tuna has not been certified Dolphin Safe. Dolphin-safe Tuna Label by Earth Island Institute Introduction The Earth Island Institute (EII) was founded in 1982 by environmentalist David Brower as an organization dedicated to nurturing environmental entrepreneurs. By spring of 1990, the three major tuna brands agreed to process only dolphin-safe tuna, resulting in a 95% reduction in dolphin kills. Earth Island oversees the international monitoring program behind the dolphin-safe labels to ensure its standards are met, which largely means fishing cannot involve chasing and … Awarded a 'green' label rating by Greenpeace, this global tuna company focuses on responsible fishing and transparency, and is a proud supporter of the Earth Island Institute. 2. Endnotes 1. Now more than ever, it is clear how important the international control programme for dolphin-safe tuna fish – with the EII‘s Dolphin Safe label – is, something which the GRD has implemented in Germany since 1991. Environmental certification of the dolphin-safe tuna commodity chain In the early 1990s, the Earth Island Institute (EII), a California-based nongovernmental organization, initiated a highly successful consumer-driven global environmental campaign. Earth Island Sues US over Fraudulent "Dolphin-Safe" Label. Mark Palmer of the Earth Island Institute, the organization behind the “Dolphin-Safe” logo, confessed to a conflict of interest between the companies and organizations that dole out “Dolphin-Safe” and related labels and the fishing operations they give them to. Share Tuesday, 15 September 2009 09:46 AM. Buy only Dolphin-Safe tuna carrying the Dolphin-Safe tuna logo registered by the Earth Island Institute; Choose Friend of the Sea certified tuna and other seafood as they are all compliant with the Dolphin-safe tuna logo. Id. TTIA Press Conference, Bangkok: May 29, 2018 - 9.45 AM . The Earth Island Institute monitors tuna companies around the world to ensure the tuna is caught by methods that do not harm dolphins and protect the marine ecosystem. According to the U.S. Consumers Union, Earth Island is an independent environmental organization responsible for verifying that dolphin-safe tuna standards are being met. v. Hogarth, 2007 U.S. App. While the U.S. dolphin-safe labelling process has received its fair share of praise and scrutiny, the initiative aided in monumental reductions in the commercial tuna fishing industry’s impacts US and Mexico in Secret Dolphin Meeting. While the U.S. dolphin-safe labelling process has received its fair share of […] Schools of tuna tend to … The organization works to verify or reject domestic tuna as dolphin-safe. Definition of dolphin-safe tuna at center of dispute The US labeling criteria are guided by standards created by the California-based environmental organisation Earth Island Institute ( SourceMex, 26 April, 2000 and 15 August, 2001. These “Dolphin Safe” standards were developed in 1990 by Earth Island Institute and the H.J. Date of Issue: Monday, December 3, 2012. For dolphin-safe tuna, look for this official Earth Island Institute Dolphin Safe logo. Earth Island Institute, which manages the dolphin-safe label project, suggests this is meddling: “The recent film Seaspiracy falsely claims that the dolphin-safe tuna …
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