in: Heaney, P.J., Gibbs, G.V., editors. Seconda parte. (2010) Fluid-rock interactions during formation of metamorphic quartz veins: a REE and stable isotope study from the Rhenish Massif, Germany. Kronenberg, A.K. Acta Crystallographica: B32: 2456-2459. (1955) Mosaic structure in quartz. Frelinger, S.N., Ledvina, M.D., Kyle, J.R., Zhao, D. (2015) Scanning electron microscopy cathodoluminescence of quartz: Principles, techniques and applications in ore geology. Hoffmann, C.A.S. Rocce, minerali e miniere delle isole dell'Arcipelago Toscano. Hurai, V., Stresko, V. (1987) Correlation between quartz crystal morphology and composition of fluid inclusions as inferred from fissures in Central Slovakia (Czechoslovakia). A variety of chalcedony with inclusions giving the appearance of a landscape scene. Donnay, J. D. H. and Le Page, Y. Glazer, A.M. (2018): Confusion over the description of the quartz structure yet again. ; Aldrovandi, U. Januzzi, Ronald E. (1976), Mineral Localities of Connecticut and Southeastern New York State. Henn, U., Schultz-Guettler, R. (2012) Review of some current coloured quartz varieties. Haus, R., Prinz, S., Priess, C. (2012) Assessment of high purity quartz resources. During the pressure shock, the crystalline structure of quartz will be deformed along planes inside the crystal. Barron, T.H.K, Huang, C.C., Pasternak, A. Journal of Solid State Chemistry: 36: 371-380. Sawyer, E.W., Robin, P.-Y.F. The manufactured crystal grows on this seed crystal. ; Mullis, J. (1956) Dissolution and precipitation of silica at low temperatures. Rülein von Calw, U. The Canadian Mineralogist: 29: 791-802. Hemingway, B.S. Guida mineralogica d'Italia. Götze, J. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology: 53: 25-36. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals: 20: 353-361. Click the. American Mineralogist: 95: 104-111. (1954) The stress-sensitivity of quartz in tectonites. (1597) Istoria delle pietre. Jahn, S. (2004) Klassische Weltfundstelle: Val Giuv. Perf. Onasch, C.M., Vennemann, T.W. A cluster of clear Quartz crystals in a candle-like formation. There is an additional prize ($500) for the video that receives the most votes online—the People’s Choice winner. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas de Madrid. (1963) Cleavage in quartz. Belot, Victor R. (1978) Guide des minéraux, coquillages et fossiles: où les trouver en France, comment les reconnaître et les collectionner (Guides Horay). About 200 metric tons of cultured quartz is produced each year. Pliny the Elder stated that it was named after Sardis, in Lydia, where it was first discovered; but the name probably came with the stone from Persia (Persian sered = yellowish-red). A name for acicular crystals of Amethyst. Compare with. Bombicci, L. (1874) Descrizione della mineralogia generale della provincia di Bologna. Donnay, J.D.H., Le Page, Y. (1971) Nature of silica phases in deep sea cherts of the North Atlantic Ocean. Blum, A.E., Yund, R.A., Lasaga, A.C. (1990) The effect of dislocation density on the dissolution rate of quartz. Nature, Scientific Reports: 5: 14545. doi: 10.1038/srep14545. Mackenzie, F.T., Gees, R. (1971) Quartz: Synthesis at earth-surface conditions. De Michele, V. (1974). Bambauer, H.U., Brunner, G.O., Laves, F. (1969) Light scattering of heat-treated quartz in relation to hydrogen-containing defects. Fenner, C.N. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A: 109(751) 405-427. An agate composed of multicoloured twisting and turning bands. It has generally pale colouring. Leydolt, F. (1855) Über eine neue Methode, die Structur und Zusammensetzung der Krystalle zu untersuchen, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Varietäten des rhomboedrischen Quarzes. Rocks & Minerals (Connecticut Issue): 70(6): 407. (1981) The structure of quartz at 25 and 590°C determined by neutron diffraction.