Read More: Cures for hot pepper hands/eyes. Though the exact origins are unknown, this is the most likely course of events for the ghost pepper. You’ll want to be careful not to overdo this, but you can try making some ghost pepper chili. Tip: We love using fresh fruits, especially pineapple or blueberries, in our sauces. We love growing this variety as the ripe pods add a beautiful color to our pepper garden. Slice your bhut jolokia peppers in half lengthwise before dehydrating. Even ghost pepper's fumes can cause pain and distress. A common question regarding the ghost chili is how spicy it is. When Calvin isn’t gardening or learning more about peppers and botany, he might be traveling new places or playing some music. Our method for harvesting peppers is a simple one. Not looking to grow ghost peppers yourself, but still want some? She is passionate about reshaping the way people experience gardens and gardening. Dry seeds on a … The detergent in the soap helps emulsify and remove the pepper juices. These versatile spicy peppers can be used in a number of ways. It is a result of ancient plant breeding, and is a cross between capsicum chinense and capsicum fructescens. Once again, we had relatively early ripening from these plants. However, don’t be fooled. This ghost pepper has a much more sinister look, and a truly scorching heat level. However, darker colored pods are usually hotter, while lighter colors are less spicy. While eating capsaicin is not toxic, it can cause adverse reactions in some people. Immature ghost peppers begin green and mature through stages of yellow and orange before their undulating surface reaches blazing red. Given enough soil, light and fertilizer, ghost peppers will grow to about 2-3 feet tall in a single season. Try calling your local nurseries to see if they sell ghost pepper plant starts. Pepper Geek participates in various affiliate programs, meaning links contained in this article may provide us a commission should you make a purchase on the linked website. The ghost pepper is thought to have origins in Trinidad, making its way to Assam and Nagaland, India by way of travel or by local plant breeding. You can preserve them for later use, use them fresh, dehydrate them for spicy pepper powder, and even save the seeds to grow again next year. Another brightly colored ghost pepper variety, the yellow naga pepper is a beaut. The chocolate, or brown bhut jolokia pepper is a monster! Surprisingly, ghost peppers are one of the easiest hot peppers to grow. Add a splash of yellow to your garden with these ghost peppers. Some things to keep in mind about ghost peppers: Knowing when to pick your ghost peppers is usually very easy. Where does the ghost pepper stack up on the Scoville Scale? Many gardening centers cater to the local demand, so if you call asking, they might grow them next year! How to Know When a Red Hot Cherry Pepper Is Ready to Pick, What Kinds of Peppers to Plant for Dried Red Chili Flakes, The Hottest Pepper: How to Grow Bhut Jolokia Seeds. Ghost peppers announce harvest time with clear indicators: pepper skins turn bright, fiery red. Wear gloves, eye protection, and respiratory protection. Just be sure to use at least 2% salt, and around 50% vinegar. We sure do love making homemade hot sauce. You’ve still got options. We are happy that the pepper was discovered and seeds are now widely available across the globe for home growers! This number refers to the time between sprouting and fruit production. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Discerning proper harvest time can mean the difference between experiencing world-record chile heat -- or something less. In USDA zones 11 and above hot peppers can be grown perennially outdoors. Is There a Difference in Banana & Wax Peppers? Ghost pepper plants are also highly productive under ideal growing conditions. However, there are ways to buy live plants as well. Slice pepper lengthwise. Since it has been dethroned, the ghost pepper seems tame compared to the newcomers. Simply cut the pepper’s stem about halfway up, being careful not to nick the plant’s branches or leaves.