Whereas theoretical linguistics is concerned with finding and describing generalities both within particular languages and among all languages, applied linguistics takes these results and applies them to other areas. Applied linguistics is an autonomous subject in linguistics. Applied linguistics addresses the most pressing and controversial areas of contemporary language use, including intercultural communication, political and commercial persuasion, the impact of new technologies, the growth of English, language in education, and … INTRODUCTION TO ISSUES/CONCERNS IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS, RELATED TO ESP Linguists do work on specific languages, but their primary goal is to understand the nature of Language in general. A realistic history of the field of applied linguistics would place its origins at around the year 1948 with the publication of the first issue of the journal Language Learning: A Journal of Applied Linguistics. Applied linguistics initially grew out of general linguistics and was initially considered as "linguistics applied". Applied linguistics definition: linguistic theory as applied to such fields as lexicography, psychology , the teaching of... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Before the emergence of scientific linguistics its main task was to optimize the function of language in traditional text (exegesis and hermeneutics).so we can define it as a functional point of view which studies and develops ways to optimize the functioning of language.. The main objective of the present study is to share my decades of experiences as a language instructor as a student of linguistics as well as an English language instructor. What can be termed ‘applied linguistics for language teaching’ (ALLT) has been characterised as ‘a mediating process which explores ways in which the concerns of linguistics as a discipline can be relevantly related to those of the language subject’ (Widdowson 2003: 13—my emphasis).When ALLT operates as such, it can be highly beneficial. (1/2) •Linguistics is the scientific study of language. Applied linguistics is a branch of linguistics where the primary concern is the application of the linguistic theories, methods and findings to the explanation of language problems which have arisen in other areas of experience. This article focuses on the field of applied linguistics as a twenty-first century discipline. Interlanguage theory is generally credited to Larry Selinker, an American professor of applied linguistics whose article "Interlanguage" appeared in the January 1972 issue of the journal International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. Applied linguistics Main article: Applied linguistics. An Introduction to Applied Linguistics 3 What is Linguistics?