Sodium metal from the Dennis s.k … Sodium and Chlorine Gas Reaction | Na + Cl 2. Sodium hydroxide may react with oxygen to form sodium peroxide. The Periodic Table. Alkali metals react quickly with oxygen and are stored under oil to prevent oxygen from reaching the surface of the bare metal.. Lithium, sodium and potassium will all burn in air when heated to give the corresponding alkaline oxides (see below). The reactions are shown below. The Alkali Metals - Reaction with Oxygen (burning in air).. How do the Alkali Metals React with Oxygen?. However, unlike magnesium, sodium reacts immediately when it is exposed to oxygen and produces very little heat and no visible light. In reactions with oxygen, only Li forms a normal oxide. The Reactions with Air or Oxygen… when sodium reacts with excess of oxygen, it lead to the formation of metal oxides such as sodium peroxide. It also deals very briefly with the reactions of the elements with chlorine. Sodium, a very reactive metal which reacts with chlorine gas and produces sodium chloride, the neutral salt.Sodium is oxidized to sodium cation (Na +) and chlorine gas is reduced to chloride anions (Cl-).. Reactions of alkali metals with oxygen. When the alkali metals are cut, they initially appear shiny grey but quickly become dull and white as they react with oxygen in the air. To understand why metallic sodium is so reactive, let's see what happens when it comes into contact with water. Na reacts with oxygen to form sodium peroxide (Na2O2). The combination of metallic sodium atoms with each other is relatively uneventful. 4NaOH + O2 = Na2O2 + 2H2O If sodium is burnt in air the result is white sodium peroxide, Na 2 O 2, together with some sodium oxide, Na 2 O, which is also white. and finally, if there's enough energy, the atmosphere's oxygen reacts with the hydrogen gas, creating a combustion reaction. An energy diagram for the magnesium-oxygen reaction is shown to the right. Sodium readily eliminate its last shell electrons become Na + cation and chlorine accepts that electron to form Cl-anion. Sodium will also react with oxygen. What happens when sodium reacts with oxygen write balanced chemical equation - 1829252 Sodium: Reacts with oxygen to form a white mixture of sodium oxide and sodium peroxide. This page mainly looks at the reactions of the Group 1 elements (lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium and caesium) with oxygen - including the simple reactions of the various kinds of oxides formed. Water (H 2 O) is a molecule consisting of two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to an oxygen atom. Mechanism of the reaction. 2Na(s) + O 2 (g) → 2Na 2 O 2 (s) 4Na(s) + O 2 (g) → 2Na 2 O(s) Reaction of sodium with water. alkali metals are very reactive. 2 N a + O 0 2 → N a 2 O − 1 2 hence there is a change in oxidation state from 0 to -1.