The Psalms in particular celebrate God’s eagerness to hear and help his people in their “day of distress” and “time of trouble.” David testified that God had been to him “a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress” (Psalm 59:16, also 9:9; 37:39; 41:1). And we can trust God's way is the best way for us. Beth, hi! But I want to tell you this, here’s a promise from God: You bring your life underneath the leadership of the Shepherd and He’ll meet your needs. The Bible gives some great scripture in coping with a crisis. He hears his people with the ear of a Husband and a Father. As we work through this story we’ll focus on three things: What it looks like to fully trust God; Why we struggle to fully trust Him; and How we can begin to fully trust Him. “The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble” (Psalm 9:9). amzn_assoc_title = "My Book & Favorite Marriage Picks"; I’m living one day at a time. It is simply a way for me to earn some support for the ministry expenses of this blog. Struggle here? God heard his Son in his time of crisis, but he didn’t let the cup pass. When we remember our God as the one who answers us in our time of crisis — as he did for Jacob and the psalmists and the prophets — we don’t assume that he answers how we would do it or exactly when we would want. What a great inventory to help us see where we need to know God and His Word better and trust Him more. #Crisis #pandemic #marriage Click To Tweet, We are also much better parents and grandparents. Fear and anxiety can rob us from faith. This one’s so clear-cut for me, it’s not even a question … I’m a 5! Beth, I think a time of crisis is when we really do find out how much we trust Him. Over and over again, the Scriptures describe the faithful not as those who never saw trouble, but as those who cried out to God in their crises. In his severe mercy, God punctuates our lives in this fallen age with crisis moments of varying degrees, designed for our everlasting good. One of the best ways we can love those closest to us is by obeying God when no one else is watching. Learn how your comment data is processed. Below are 16 verses that deal with trusting the Lord during difficult times. Then choose one area of weakness to formulate an action point like I did and am! The God of Jacob is not like the false gods of the surrounding nations. I’m so glad this encouraged you, Laurie! Jacob’s life was a succession of crisis moments, and God proved himself faithful as the God who hears and answers. I’m probably a 4 here as well, because, like #3 above, I waver depending on the issue. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; For thousands of years, God’s people have known “times of trouble” and “days of distress,” sometimes all too well. Part of my delay has been due to busyness. Far from assuming he’s not answering, we want to receive his severe mercies as his continuing to do his surprising work of unfolding history, and our lives, not according to human expectations, but according to his infinitely majestic plans and purposes. from the Lord on High; Hey Ifeoma! 3. There are a lot of disappointments and delays that this quarantine and stay-home order are creating in my life. Every single time, God has give me the understanding I’ve needed. This study will allow you to prepare your heart for Resurrection Day and all that it means! Placing your faith in God to save you will enable you to grow in your trust of Him and His care for you and your family. It’s all there in God’s word!” I keep having to dive headlong into His word to keep myself grounded on the Rock. Your crisis is coming. But there’s nothing that should be more of a priority when I’m feeling weak! I think this line you wrote sums it up: ” Doesn’t matter what the issue is. If you don’t know where to look, Google search Bible verses on a particular topic. ClickInsight for 2020 Seriesto find all the other posts in this series. It helps that I know there will be plenty of problems far too much for me to bear on my own. Introduction In our walk with the Lord there will be times of Crisis. Even though God may not remove the trials in my life, I’m still confident that He is with and protecting me (Isaiah 43:2). 5. So, that's why we are hosting the. Find out how to be more trusting of God, especially during this crisis! Beth, God hearing and answering Jesus didn’t mean salvation from the cross, but salvation through the cross. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Be sure to join me next week when I’ll be exploring how connected we feel/are to our mates, with yet another inventory based in Scripture to help us see and apply necessary changes! Check out my “, If you struggle here, it might be because you, If you struggle here, it might be because you’ve, My application for this week will be to work on, to know how to tabulate your overall score. In order to do this, we must first evaluate our level of trust in God. Just not more than He can handle through you. Faith is what helps us trust God in difficult times. Encouragement to Trust God from Scripture. Be sure to join me next week when I’ll be exploring, I’m a member of the Amazon Associates Program, so be advised that this website contains affiliate links. I consistently seek the Lord’s understanding when I’m afraid or confused, submitting to His word to guide my next steps (Proverbs 3:5-6). We’re on a mission to change that. The rescue God gave his Son this time was not protection from death, but sustaining grace through death. even when you feel quite small; Lol! Lamentations 3:21-23 says, “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have … When money troubles come, I make sure to remind myself of how faithful God is to provide for me (Matthew 6:26). Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. a. He indeed will hear us and answer — but often in ways, and in timing, we did not anticipate. I think God knows just how pervasive and crippling our anxieties and fears can be, especially when we feel like our world is being rocked. But that’s no problem with a God who is more than strong enough! 9-11 mostly impacted Americans. There is no other way. And, yes! He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday. So, so much good truth here (as always). We know that trusting in God during a crisis can be hard. He knew where to turn when crisis came: “In the day of my trouble I call upon you, for you answer me” (Psalm 86:7). So, I don’t know what’s on the whiteboard of your mind, what your crisis is. Then resurrection. I’m probably a 5 on this. But I’m not giving into them, at least not yet! But either way, this is one time when the need to encourage myself (yourself too) in the Lord has never been more needed. And unless Jesus comes back first, we all will face death soon enough, and God’s answer to us will be sustaining grace in it, and resurrection on the other side. Thanks for your kind words, Patsy! During this current crisis, take the inventory to find out how trusting you are of God! When troubles come, I consistently remind myself that God is using these times to strengthen my trust in Him (2 Corinthians 1:8-9). Every day challenges can test our trust in God. When James calls us to be “quick to hear” (James 1:19), he calls us to be like our heavenly Father. I’m such an introvert and really, really like my alone time and he’s kind of the opposite. This is indeed a time to focus on God and not on our fears! Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. Click. I’m a 4 here. And not just one crisis. If you struggle here, try praying one of these two verses before you go to sleep. To your comment about being better spouses! Which we see so clearly in the crisis moment of God’s own Son. In times of crisis we need to… Trust God as our unshakable refuge in trouble (vv. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; And not only David, but the psalmist Asaph as well: “In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord” (Psalm 77:2). We kind of like each other, so I think we will be ok! If you struggle here, it might be for the same reasons. #Crisis #pandemic #marriage Click To Tweet. Struggle here? It’s been something of an adjustment for me. Other issues might mess with my sleep, but not this current crisis or how fearful others are. God knows our frail frames and that it isn’t a matter of if we’ll fear, but when. But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. I’ll be sharing this and pinning. When I feel weak, I take that as my cue to turn my weaknesses over to Jesus for His power to work through them perfectly (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Instead of relying on human measures that temporarily calm my anxieties, I look to God, first and foremost, to provide peace that guards my heart (Philippians 4:6-7).