We have users class in which users details are kept. close, link Booking system for every business type. Once the user successfully books a ticket, the system should send a copy of the ticket via SMS, email or WhatsApp. ResponsiveUI: Movie Suggestions Java, python or NodeJS based server are recommended. Design a movie ticket booking system like Bookmyshow Last Updated: 11-12-2017 We need to design an online Movie ticket booking system where a user can search a movie in a given city and book it.This article will explain you the architecture of the booking system. 3.2.3. Please use ide.geeksforgeeks.org, generate link and share the link here. 3.2 Some of the characteristics of a ticket booking platform is discussed below: 3.3 Below is the basic system design for online movie ticket booking platform. Please Improve this article if you find anything incorrect by clicking on the "Improve Article" button below. Highly concurrent So how does the ticket booking website know about the tickets availability and the status of the tickets? Now to ensure when two persons are trying to access the same seat almost at the same time then we would use Synchronized method of Thread class and will call a thread belong to each log in user. In the above code, as you can see enums are self-explanatory. Now the first question is how BMS talks to Theater? The service should be able to support all these platforms. Instead of handling this service in app server, it can be delegated to async workers without blocking the app servers. This can be done by using any one of two methods explained below: In this method, you can directly connect to theater database. As the data should be distributed across the locations, sharding of data is required. Payment Integration 3.2.3. Customers should be able to book hotel rooms online for holidays by giving dates and destination (country, city, hotel). Weifang University,Weifang China 261041 . Load balancer can use consistence hashing or round robin technique to decide how the requests should be distributed across multiple app servers. "Design a holiday booking system. 3.3 Below is the basic system design for online movie ticket booking platform. 3.2.6. This can also be used as an analytics engine. The UI should be responsive to make user experience better. 3.2.7. DB 3. 3.2.4. In this architecture, Master will be used for writing the latest data and slaves are used to read the data form the master. As the user books a ticket, we need to send the ticket in multiple formats like HTML for email, PDF as attachment for email, image format for WhatsApp. Customers must pay by credit card to make a booking (Use is a separate third party payment gateway for this). These service will reduce the load on the app server by caching the content based on location, popularity etc. Cassandra can be used. Distributed across multiple cities. By using our site, you
ResponsiveUI 3.2.2. Please write to us at contribute@geeksforgeeks.org to report any issue with the above content. As the data gets increased only when we add new cities or new theatres, it can be managed easily. A easy way to integrate with a 3rd party service that supports all the payment system. acknowledge that you have read and understood our, GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys, ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam, Design a movie ticket booking system like Bookmyshow, Design an online hotel booking system like OYO Rooms, Design data structures and algorithms for in-memory file system. The user should be able to comment and rate the movie. Booking class lets you book the seat in a particular theater. Distributed across multiple cities The system should be extend-able in future to include flight and travel bookings. Let us understand how all these systems will work together: Suppose a user is booking a ticket from mobile or PC, the request will first go to a load balancer server. If you’re close to giving up on finding online reservation software which will work precisely as you need, you've finally found the right scheduling system! Daily we discuss about competitive programming questions, join us at:
Telegram Channel. As each movie will have reviews, trailers, ratings, these data will increase as the movie increases. 2) Show movie theaters near to user where movie is playing and seats are available 3) Design database. As we serve multiple cities and each city has multiple theatre and each theatre can have multiple screens, it make sense to use RDBMS. You can use those API for ticket booking. Cache is used to store data related to movie info, ratings and comments. We need RDBMS to achieve ACID properties and also to store relation between the tables.