Early access to hands-on training opportunities at. Access this issue along with the archives with Zymurgy Online! SUMMER KÖLSCH - ALL-GRAIN RECIPE Big Brew 2006 5 gallons using a 6 gallon boil. Already a Preferred Subscriber but haven't activated your account? Without ads, we will not survive. Steep the Munich Malt for 45 minutes in one quart of 150 degrees Fahrenheit water, before adding to the boil. Vienna - US malt. You are using an outdated browser not supported by The American Homebrewers Association. This beer should be light, crisp, and refreshing. Brown Box Beer Kits make 5 gallons of homebrew and are proudly made from the freshest ingredients available. SAVE RECIPE Login or join to mark this recipe as brewed. Ferment with a Kölsch Yeast for 2 weeks at a temperature as close to 60°F as you can get it, if you have trouble keeping the temp down, don’t worry and keep it as close as possible for the first three days. Discover how EASY and HEALTHY crafting your own money-saving fermented masterpieces can be. According to Goose Island's website, "With a light fruity aroma and a bright, crisp finish, Goose Island Summertime Kölsch is the perfect summer session ale. White Labs German Ale/Kölsch WLP029 homebrew yeast. All Grain Kölsch homebrew recipe. Mash in with 4.5 gallons of 156 degrees Fahrenheit water to reach a mash temp of 148 degrees Fahrenheit. All Brown Box Beer's kit building ingredients turn over every 7-10 days so there is none of this setting around in a pre-made kit in a box, on a shelf, for who knows how long. Paul Long of … Pay attention to your technique and this can be a rewarding beer to sip on a hot day in the summer sun. This beer should be light, crisp, and refreshing. Excerpted with permission from The Homebrewer’s Handbook: An Illustrated Beginner’s Guide by Matthew Schaefer. Want to enjoy exclusive access to member-only content and more? Brew this classic Cologne beer, Kolsch, whose crisp, refreshing taste comes from a warm fermentation coupled with a cool lager. https://beerrecipes.org/Homebrew-Beer-Recipes/6C_Kolsch/Page-1 ©2020 AMERICAN HOMEBREWERS ASSOCIATION • A DIVISION OF the Brewers Association • Privacy Policy • Non-Discrimination Policy • Social Media Community Guidelines. Transform mealtimes like never before and stay healthy at the same time with a one-year membership to Fermentation for only $29.95. While a simple beer, it can be challenging at times as there is little for off flavors to hide behind. The Homebrewer’s Handbook: An Illustrated Beginner’s Guide. Many examples of this beer will be lagered, or otherwise kept in cold storage for a few weeks prior to serving. The Kölsch is one of the very lightest ales, and can often be mistaken for a lager. Mash for 1 hour. You can buy the kit with all the ingredients to brew this recipe. Boil for 90 minutes, adding the 2.5 oz. Summer Kölsch. ABV: 5.78%. Already a Preferred Subscriber but haven't activated your account? Yield: 10 Gallons (37.8 L) The following beer recipe is featured in the September/October 2005 issue of Zymurgy magazine. of Hallertauer Hopswhen there is 20 minutes left to the boil. Instead of charging you, we charge our advertisers. This homebrew recipe uses the following ingredients: Pilsner (DE), Munich (DE), Honey Malt - CA, Amarillo (US) Hops, White Labs German Ale/Kölsch … Paul Long of Newberg, OR, member of the Strange Brew Homebrew Club, won a gold medal in Category #6: Light Hybrid Beer during the 2005 National Homebrew Competition Final Round in Baltimore , MD. of a Pilsner-based liquid malt extract. For bottle conditioning, prime with 5 oz. OG: 1.05. of corn sugar. In my house, the late days of summer are a study in contrast. Luckily, I’ve got a beer that bridges the gap from the backyard to the beach to the tailgate cooler: kölsch. The following beer recipe is featured in the September/October 2005 issue of Zymurgy magazine. This homebrew recipe uses the following ingredients: Pilsner (DE), Munich (DE), Honey Malt - CA, Amarillo (US) Hops, White Labs German Ale/Kölsch WLP029 Homebrew Yeast. Long’s Light Hybrid Beer was chosen as the best among 186 final round entries in the category. Sparge with 6 gallons of 168 degrees Fahrenheit water. You'll learn how to make them, how they originated and what tools and ingredients you'll need to create your own delicious fermented foods and drinks. Beerrecipes.org has been supporting homebrewers since 2002 with quality beer recipes, style guides and other content.