Find the square root of each of the following numbers by division method (i) 2304 (ii) 4489 (iii) 3481 (iv) 529 (v) 3249 (vi) 1369 (vii) 5776 (viii) 7921 (ix) 576 (x) 1024 (xi) 3136 (xii) 900 - Math - Squares and Square … ToThere are main two ways to find square root of a given number. L.C.M method to solve time and work problems. 1. Finding square root using long division. Find the square root of 7921. Remainder when 2 power 256 is divided by 17. (viii) 7921 Rough 167 × 7 = 1169 168 × 8 = 1344 169 × 9 = 1521 Therefore, √7921 = 89 Ex 6.4, 1 Find the square root of each of the following numbers by Division method. 1. Sum of all three digit numbers divisible by 6. (ix) 576 Rough 42 × 2 = 84 43 × 3 = 129 44 × 4 = 176 Therefore, √576 = 24 Ex 6.4, 1 Find the square root of each of the following numbers by Division method. Square root by using division method. √ Square Root Calculator' with step-by-step solution using the Babylonian Method or Hero's Method. Here is the answer to questions like: Square root of 7921 or what is the square root of 7921? See also in this web page a Square Root Table from 1 to 100 as well as the Babylonian Method or Hero's Method. Square root by long division method: Any number can be expressed as a product of prime numbers. Q.1 Find the square root of each of the following numbers by Division method. Translating the word problems in to algebraic expressions. Reasoning: When a number is large, even the method of trading the square root by prime factorization becomes lengthy and difficult, so the division method is used. (i) 2304 (ii) 4489 (iii) 3481 (iv) 529 (v) 3249 (vi) 1369 (vii) 5776 (viii) 7921 (ix) 576 (x) 1024 (xi) 3136 (xii) 900 Sol. Use the square root calculator below to find the square root of any imaginary or real number. Find the square root of each of the following numbers by Division method. This method of representation of a number in terms of the product of prime numbers is termed as prime factorization method.It is the easiest method known for the manual calculation of the square root … Long division method 2. (i) 2304 The square root of 2304 using Division method is as follows: Therefore, = 48 […] Square Root Table. Remainder when 17 power 23 is divided by 16.