Your email address will not be published. I add in a vegetable of your choosing.. Method Heat the oven to Gas Mark 5 / 180c Spray a muffin tin (ad/aff) with low fat cooking spray (you could also use individual foil containers) Chop up your filling into small bite size pieces and pop into the bottom of the muffin tin Whisk 6 eggs until well mixed Add the quark to … Theme by MVP Themes, powered by Wordpress. Help spread the word. I might eat half at most. Easy Syn Free Slimming World Crustless Quiche Recipe using fat free cottage cheese. - As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases made through links. Hope you enjoy! elem.async = true; Karen couldn’t even walk but she managed to reach the peak of Cascade Mountain, New York after 8 months. Boooo! This is one of my favourite dishes to make on Slimming world because it’s all inclusive (I don’t have to add veg) so I can grab a slice anytime I’m feeling snacky and not worry about adding in healthy extras.. it’s also REALLY filling on account of the eggs and (for those of you following the plan) totally syn free. "https://secure" : "http://edge") + ""; It also uses part of your Healthy Extra A and is really easy to make! Spray a 24cm flan dish with low calorie cooking … First I grease a dish (I use fry light but you can use whatever you wish) and then line it with bacon (again I use lean bacon but you can use regular if you prefer) and bake it for 10 minutes. Thank u ?. }); Sign up to my FREE mailing list to know when my next post is LIVE! Spray a non-stick frying pan with low-calorie cooking spray and place over a medium heat. I usually use mushrooms as it’s a breakfast dish for me but broccoli worked really well and I’ll make it with it again. Pour the egg mixture on top of the vegs, decorate with tomatoes and place in the oven for 40 minutes. In a bowl, whisk the eggs, stir in the cheese or yoghurt, then the seasoning and any herbs you wish. elem.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? Once the bacon is pre-cooked I pour the mixture into the ‘crust’ and bake for 20mins on 200.. that’s it. diced OPTIONAL (which needs synning if using). But the beauty of this recipe is that you can use almost any veggies and I only use whatever I have in so it differs each time, so have a rummaging in your veg rack and get creative! This classic Slimming World quiche is deliciously cheesy and Syn Free without the unnecessary crust. I do this because I don’t totally trust that it will cook underneath the eggs etc, I’m sure it would but y’know.. just to be safe. If you want to measure it and you’re on the plan just be sure that you account for your healthy options worth of cheese and how much of the quiche you will be eating in a day. Spray a large quiche dish with frylight and chuck in all the vegetables you’ve chosen (please see mine as a guide – sometimes I use peppers). Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem? })();
Stir in half of the cheese and the bacon/onion mix. Normally I buy fat free natural yoghurt or cottage cheese but as I made this on a whim, it meant a quick walk to my local coop which only stocked low fat. elem.type = "text/javascript";_qevents.push({ Published on May 9, 2016 by Vikkie Lee; Last Updated on October 22, 2020; 4 Comments; If you watched my last Friday's YouTube video called What I Eat In a Day, you'll find this particular recipe was hidden amongst it and thought I should dedicate a blogpost to it in case anyone missed it.