Credit cards are regularly used for buying stuff you don’t need by most of the people out there, but they come handy also as self-defense weapons For this, you’ll need a special kind of credit card, obviously, and some skills, but the surprise will be immense, believe me! One of the best defense products available is the Byrna HD, a legal, non-lethal self-defense weapon that fires pepper filled rounds up to 60 feet using CO2. Self-Defense Ring There are many self-defense weapons and tools on the market, but how can a ring protect you? The Sentry 12: A New Kind of Shotgun. Others are designed to deliver a stun that gains you precious seconds to escape. Tip 4: If your self defense weapon is in your purse or backpack and that’s what the attacker is attempting to steal, and they are successful, you’re now without a weapon and the attacker has your weapon. The credit card is number 5 on my fatal self-defense weapons list. Latest. After all, the flagship of the 32o line is the handgun of the U.S. Army, so it is definitely up to the task. These rings aren’t just any rings, however. Thanks to the non-lethal weapons on The Home Security Superstore, you can protect yourself in just about any scenario. Moreover, for those who are looking for a gun they can carry all day then place by the bed stand at night for home defense, the P320 XCompact is a tremendous choice. It generates a unique combination of high-pressure sound waves which soon leads most in … Save lives without the risk of … Some rings hide a shim-pick and saw so you can cut zip ties or get out of handcuffs. More Protect. Sponsored Post. Gun Reviews. If you’re like most people, there have been times that you wish you had a piece of reassurance in your bag or back pocket. Self-Defense Weapons. Self-defense tools should be easy to carry and non-lethal. By Sara Ahrens. Your holster may offer excellent accessibility when you’re standing, but will you be able to draw your gun when belted in and sitting behind the steering wheel? Rimfire Power . Make sure your weapons are secure with you at all times. These self-defense weapons are discreet, below $35, and proven to work. It is flawlessly reliable, extremely accurate, and a perfect choice for self-defense. SABRE Self-Defense Kit w/ Pepper Spray & Stun Gun w/ Flashlight, 35 Burst, 10 Foot (3 M) Range, Painful 1.250 µC Charge, 120 Lumens, Rechargeable Battery, Safety Switch, Wrist Strap & Belt Holster 4.6 out of 5 stars 1,466. Range Life. Mace Brand Self-Defense Triple Action 3-in-1 Formula, 10' Pocket Pepper Spray with Tear Gas and UV Marking Dye 4.7 out of 5 stars 2,955. Updated: June 11, 2020. Self Defense with a Firearm Inside Your Car. Sonic Nausea is a small electronic acoustic generating device which can really turn one feet s stomach. Do you ever find yourself wishing you felt safer at home or walking to your car? $19.68 #37.