In Side-by-side refrigerators, there is a cooler behind the wall of the freezer, which blows the tubes with the refrigerant of the ice machine. I have Samsung refrigerator, model RF28HFEDBWW, with flashing codes 15 E and 40 E. I am tempted to fix it with a sledgehammer. Any content, trademark/s, or other material that might be found on the website that is not property remains the copyright of its respective owner/s. In no way does claim ownership or responsibility for such items, and you should seek legal consent for any use of such materials from its owner. There are situations when the refrigerator seems to work properly, but the ice generator still does not work, causing error code 40E in Samsung refrigerator. Satin Gold Y Long Dress | Ice covers the fan of the ice machine, wherefore error 40E appears. A Samsung representative at Best Buy will call to schedule your Galaxy S10 try out. If your refrigerators display is showing 88 88 (all Eights) and it will not respond to any commands, your refrigerator requires service. 1E (it indicates a breakdown of the defrost sensor of the freezer); 21E (it indicates failure of the freezer cooler); 24E (it indicates improper defrosting of the freezer). I am tempted to fix it with a sledgehammer. Therefore, if error 40E blinks on the screen, the reason must be sought in the fan and in the elements associated with it. Samsung refrigerator error code 40 E = ICE ROOM FAN ERROR The Ice Room Fan motor is read as not connected or the fan has stopped, check the wiring connections in the freezer and at the Main PCB. A Samsung representative at Best Buy can set up a personal demonstration for your next galaxy device. Press Power Freeze again to slow down and repeat the test. ¾ ² ½ ¼ ¾ ² ½ | 350 Mt Crane Load Chart | Another reason that error code 40E appears on the display is the difficulty in rotating the blades. Casting Creme Gloss 535 | Detailed instructions for fixing the 41 fault and a description of the problems associated with the 41 error code in the Samsung refrigerator. But other origins of the error cannot be ruled out. As a result, error code 40E is displayed on the screen of the Samsung refrigerator, since the blades are blocked by frozen ice. To test it, you need to measure the voltage on cn76 1 and cn76 2, putting the fan in forced mode. As a result, error code 40E in Samsung refrigerator appears without any reason. This refrigerator has been so irritating. clean the subunit of adhering dirt and debris; remove foreign objects and pieces of ice that prevent the cooler from turning; twist the central part of the impeller, fitting it tightly into place. It is instigated by a malfunction of the ice machine fan since such a system is equipped with air cooling. A defrosting unit is located nearby. Usually, the cooler removes heat from the refrigerant pipes and does not allow the unit to break from overheating. In particular, overloading the freezer with products leads them to stick to surfaces. The blades will begin to rotate at maximum speed. Barbi Pink Shoes In Urdu Cartoons | Boeing Aircraft For Mail | Copyright © 2020 Causes, How FIX Problem Contact | Author | Privacy policy | Cookie Notice. What is to be done? Treaded Rod Tensile Strength Chart | How To Ckean Kitchen Sink Drain | The unstable operation of the cooler, due to which error 40E appears, may be caused by a breakdown of the main PCB. Buying a House: A Step-By-Step Guide.