To get started, we must select the pen tool. In fact, if you believe Dave , it’s the sexiest tool in Photoshop. Normally brush tool, pencil tool and other selection tool use pixels in Photoshop, but paths created by pen tool is either work Paths or shape Paths. It is simple and easy to use tool that takes a short period of time to get used to. How to Use the Pen Tool in Photoshop Using the Curvature Pen Tool is as easy as clicking to add points. It's one of the core tools you need to master before you start exploring more advanced features or getting into Photoshop plugins.In this article, we’ll provide some pointers on how to use the Pen tool, and give advice for getting the best from it. The Pen tool is a simple selection feature that enables you to fill, stroke or make selections from whatever you draw. It always creates a vector path when used. The Curvature Pen Tool is a simplified version of Photoshop's standard Pen Tool. The pen tool is one of the first tools in Photoshop that anyone starting out gets to learn about. But for now, the Pen Tool is anything but obsolete. Pen tool Photoshop Tutorial Description. To do this, we can either press [P] […] It lets us draw complex shapes and paths without the need to edit control handles or remember keyboard shortcuts. The pen tool is not a type of tool like another selection tool. Image credits : All photos by Dave Cox/Shooting Dave and … The Photoshop Pen Tool is one of the most powerful tools available in Photoshop. One of the biggest new features in Photoshop CC 2018 is the new Curvature Pen Tool. Use the Pen Tool to create custom shapes and accurately cut objects out of their backgrounds! If you’re looking for a Photoshop tutorial on the pen tool, read on!.