Apply a light touch, especially if … Always hold all parts of the spine neutral while completing these exercises. I use the Neck Ring Eraser after every facial workout. Massage the neck muscles and neck skin using gentle massaging techniques like: Neck Brush Neck Ring Eraser; I use both. I see firming in my neck and cheeks plus a smoothing in the nasal labial area. Like all exercise you have to keep doing it to get the best results. All strength exercises for this program were done on an incline bench with a free-weight plate. For the Traps exercises, I normally do these on a Back/Traps workout day, and perform the Delts exercises on my Chest/Shoulder day. After that, I experimented with bringing a small amount of neck training back into my workouts to see what a minimalistic long-term neck training routine might look like. It seems like I can maintain my neck size with 2–3 sets of neck curls per week, which can be done during a warm-up routine or while resting between sets. If you have a neck harness to use for extensions, by all means use it. After I work out my body at the gym I get out my mirror and gloves to give my face a good workout. I use the Neck Brush every day after washing and moisturizing my face and neck. It helps to alleviate the deep rings that form around the neck as well as firm up the two long muscles that radiate from under the lips down to the top of the collarbone. Of course, the only "pure" neck exercises are the Lying Face Down Plate Neck Resistances and the Lying Face Up Plate Neck Resistances - which can easily be done on a typical "off" day, or throw the two exercises into another workout of yours. When progressing from one exercise to the next, reduce the volume back down to 2 x 10 from 3 x 20. Gulping Fish Neck Exercise. Here is a great neck exercise you can try out and see for yourself how well it works over the next few weeks at eliminating lines and firming the skin! 3.