You generally don't have to wait as long for the first blooms on a newly planted specimen as you do with the common lilacs. Other cultivars in the S. pubescens species include: Deadheading blooms after they fade will increase blooming the following year as well encourage as possible reblooming in the current year. Be sure to test your soil’s pH levels first using a home test kit. Early Care. We may earn a commission for purchases using our links. The symptoms include brown spots on the leaves or leaf loss in severe cases. Powdery mildew: this is one of the most common problems in lilacs and is caused by a variety of fungal diseases, resulting in a powdery appearance on the leaves either in isolated places or throughout the surfaces. This deciduous shrub has a short mature height and its distinctive fragrance differs from the common French lilac. If your Miss Kim lilac hasn’t been pruned for a long time, you should remove one-third of the shrub’s wood in the first year, the remaining in year two and the rest in year three. … Miss Kim lilac is a beautiful flowering shrub that produces fragrant, purple blooms in spring. These lovely flowering shrubs are so easy to care for that no garden or yard should be without one! Because it is a late bloomer, Its flower buds are less likely to be damaged by frost. The shrubs can grow up to 6 feet in height, and they are very tolerant of different weather. You can propagate your Miss Kim with softwood cuttings. Choose a site where your Miss Kim Lilac will get full sun – (at least 6 hours of sunlight daily). The Miss Kim lilac is also called Miss Kim Manchurian lilac and Syringa pubescens. Although common lilacs love cold weather, a few thrive as south as Zone 9, among them the cutleaf lilac, a fragrant pale lavender. It is a good choice for planting in full sun gardens where space is limited. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. One month after planting, sidedress young "Miss Kim" lilacs with 1/4 cup of slow-release fertilizer, such as an 18-6-12 formula. Start by choosing a locale with full to partial sun, which means about 4 to 8 hours of sunlight per day and some protection from harsh afternoon exposure (6 hours of sunlight encourage maximum blooming! This lilac does not do well in acidic soil. It has deep purple buds and the petals are sometimes lavender or light blue. You don't want to over-water or underwater 'Miss Kim' or it might not bloom. Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. Miss Kim needs average moisture. The foliage turns red or burgundy in autumn making it an attractive three-season plant. Watering weekly will be sufficient in most climates, but you might need to water more often in cases of extreme heat. For those who have limited space in their gardens, planting Miss Kim lilac trees is an excellent choice. After the roots become established, you won’t need to keep the soil moist as often. When planting, water the soil well until the new plant has established. This cultivar is quite resistant to powdery mildew. If the stems are clustered together, prune them out in order to prevent future infections. Ideally, you'll want to work some compost into the soil, and 'Miss Kim' is likely to succeed with little effort on your part (in fact, it's even reasonably pollution-tolerant). Roots will emerge from the buried nodes where the leaves were removed. In fall, the foliage turns into a burgundy color. Be sure the area is well drained. Vibrant, Changing Blooms + Fragrance Why Miss Kim Lilac Trees? While this may sound drastic, these lilacs are hardy plants that will grow back with lots more blooms within a few years after being severely pruned. Although lilacs don’t need much fertilizing, giving them too much nitrogen can keep the bush from blooming. If you live in a region with winters that don’t fall below -40 degrees fahrenheit, you’ll easily be able to grow your lilac tree in the garden.