Distributed Practice . The repeated presentation of a task over a short period of time, with no intertrial interval between presentations. Practice methods can either be massed or distributed, and whole or part.. Massed practice is a continuous practice session, with smaller rest periods than practice intervals and works well for skilled and motivated athletes. Learn more. Everything you always wanted to know. Psychology Definition of MASSED PRACTICE: is considered less effective than a distributed practice, a massed practice involves learning a large amount of material over a short period of time with 434 People Used View all course ›› Massed Practice Definition and Meaning: Massed practice is a technique of learning in which the lessons or periods of practice follow each other without a break. This is quite different to massed practice, where the practice occurs in one intensive block.. With spaced practice, you may show your students how to find the volume of a rectangular prism on a Monday. Compare distributed practice. Specific areas of sports psychology include mental preparation, skill acquisition, individual differences between sportspeople as well as group dynamics, leadership and teamwork. rests for 10 consecutive days on the Photoelectric Pursuit Rotor. a problem with the learning effort being massed, i. e., continuous in time, or broken by periods of changed activity. Grammatical Reasoning, Code Substitution, Pattern Comparison, Aiming, and Spoke Tests were administered to 20 young U.S. Navy enlisted men under conditions of massed or distributed practice during acquisition, and under a common intermediate condition in retention. CallUrl('www>personalevolutionllc>com