I live in Omer, Michigan. 1 of the hobbies trending today is gardening - countless people now have a dedicated spot for growing their herbs and flowers, and why not. This is the most cold hardy of all lettuces, in the right circumstances producing very reasonable salads midwinter, which is before the plant goes tough and bitter. Isolation distance for lettuce seed saving is only 6 to 12 feet (Nafazio), whatever distance is required to avoid physical mixing during harvest. I like to bury the pot or flat in the same place where I’ll be planting out the seedlings, and definitely keep it moist. I planted this here last year and the ones i planted in the shade have stuck around and are really looking good in January. Have a lot of deer here. Can I eat wild lettuce if I am allegeric to latex? before germination? Also do you have information on how to use the wild lettuce for pain relief, eat it, make a salve, dry it. Young plants of giant wild lettuce are a good ingredient for heroic salads. (verified owner) – June 11, 2019. Native to Central and Southern Europe. Wild lettuce does best planted in late summer and overwintered as a rosette, with flowering the following summer. I have a dumb question I planted wild lettuce in a raised bed and would like to know that I can transplant it info the ground.? Gurney's Lettuce Gurney's Premium Blend (1,000 Seed Packet). I live in zone 5 will this self seed like borage? r. I chew a leaf every time I work in the garden and it really helps my arthritis pain. What would you recommend? I purchased seeds from you this past year and they are doing ok in raised bed but have not flowered probably because chipmunk love this stuff I want to put it in the ground and offer some protection from animals but I’m afraid transplanting now in late August in upstate N.Y.will lol it, Hi Susan, Thanks for contacting! Lactuca virosa (the black-seeded European type that we grow and sell) is much kinder to the lips and also easier to work with in the garden, as it is not painfully spiny. If I introduced this, how likely would it be to hybridize with the edible lettuce? Thank you, Rico, for your prompt answer. Which brand has the largest assortment of vegetable seeds at The Home Depot? Then send it to yourself, or a friend, with a link to retrieve it at any time. 5 g contains ~6,000 seeds Gurney's has the largest assortment of vegetable seeds. In spring they were still bright green as the snow melted but then shortly after they started deteriorating. Sally Hi if I was to cook or eat them raw as a salad, are you supposed to drain the latex out or are the latex non toxic for direct ingetsion? Richo, Stella By Black Duck B… 2 emails and no response. if there is very little for them to eat, then they will eat all of what there is. Our Lettuce Seeds are on sale, by the packet or in bulk! batch growing well in a starter pot. Where did you hear about cooking wild lettuce? Do the young flower pods right before it blooms have medicinal properties? I usually make a tincture or just eat the dried plant. Wild lettuce doesn’t need stratification, but it germinates best in a cool and moist soil. My last four plant have just died. Richo, what is the best light cycle if i want to grow indoors. Im sure they would pull through winter and take off quite well at that point. r. So I wonder if I should try to grow some down in Ft. Lauderdale area – zone 10? aside for now! The Back to the Roots organic herbs and veggie seeds are hand-selected and verified by our Research and Development Team to bring you the best quality seeds for growing-year 'round - all organic, Non-GMO, US Grown and backed by our Germination Guarantee. heroic means you have to have molars shaped like those of Ulysses to be able to eat it. Lactuca virosa is a preferred wild species from Europe–highest latex content, nutrient dense, good winter salad, bright purple-black seeds, much less spiny than the weedy types (e.g Lactuca spinosa), which we do not carry. Barely cover seed with soil and tamp securely, then keep evenly moist until germination, which takes 10 to 20 days. Thank you, Bob, Hi Bob, We recently tested that batch to 92% germ. For a few weeks supposedly …but it might have been the summer…because they got pushed to the back of the fridge.and forgot about. What is a “heroic salad”? Hi John, Wild lettuce grows almost everywhere. x Lettuce Seeds - Mesclun Mix OPEN POLLINATED. Hi Joyce, I started a bunch of wild lettuce in January in the greenhouse and transplanted them out in the february thaw.