determined using AISI 316L stainless steel thin foil (100 m) and an Nd:YAG pulsed laser with different pulse energies (Ep). McBrien et al. Lee et al. select article Modeling of ductile damage evolution in roll forming of U-channel sections. V.A. SLM experiment setup. Skip to Journal menu Skip to Issue articles. Fig. ... Download PDF. Authors: Douglas R. Barker. 1. The laser power used in the single track formation experiment varied from35Wto95Wwitha5Wincrement(13levelsintotal). 0.015 0.015 0.28 0.2 Fig. Y.S. Journal. (c) The journal aims to publish full research papers of original, significant and rigorous work and so to contribute to increased production efficiency and improved component performance. Carvalho et al. 32.01; Pratt & Whitney; Robert Goetz. All content in this area was uploaded by Zhong Chen on Sep 09, 2015. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 211 (2011) 1136–1145 1139 Fig. Venkat Seetharaman. Element Al C Co Cr Cb+Ta Fe Mn Mo Ni P S Si Ti wt% 0.1 0.01 0.1 21.6 3.89 4.1 0.23 8.54 Bal. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 224 (2015) 60–72 61 Fig. 5. This has been done for AA6063 extrusion billets cast at different speeds and measured at two different diffractometers. Scanned internal voids and 3D-modeling for FE analysis. Gasper et al. Top view of welded specimen with 1.5J pulse energy (a), an external shape of tensile shear test (b) and specimen prepared for the tensile shear test (c). containment and are described below, and the opportunity of using an EM leading edge dam for width control identified. 6. Li et al. Drezet, Th. December 1996; DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7121-0_2. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 243 (2017) 269–281 271 Table 1 Chemical composition of Inconel 625 powders. 1.2. Cross section of twin roll caster showing area of solidification. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 243 (2017) 269–281 properties. Read the latest articles of Journal of Materials Processing Technology at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature. Materials Processing Technology. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 225 (2015) 473–484 475 Table 2 Lap shear strength and failure energies of joints produced with the different tool and material combinations, for welds produced with the optimised conditions in each case. Public Full-text 1. Pirling / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014) 1372–1378 1373 iron. Content may be subject to copyright. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 239 (2017) 230–239 233 Fig. (a) Satellited powder track produced with 800W and 4gmin−1. Ventrella et al. of. Content uploaded by Zhong Chen. Excess substrate dilution and asymmetric track bonding caused by high laser power density; (b) substrate-deposit boundary showing formation of additional TiAl phase. J.C. Heigel et al. The total weld cycle time includes the nominal plunge, dwell, and retraction times. ZhangandAttar(2016)andBeeseandCarroll(2016) summarized that process parameters such as power intensity, scan speed, layer thickness, and scan strategy, play an essen-tial role in determining the microstructure and properties for Titanium alloys. C. Li et al. Such measurements allow for sophisticated model validation. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 243 (2017) 123–130 the tool–chip interface was limited due to the need to maintain the structural integrity of the insert; therefore, direct measure-ment of the interface temperatures was not possible. Author content. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 3 Fig. A. Reilly et al. 5. Objective of study It is evident form these previous investigations that effective strain is an important parameter in determining whether or not a void will close. Article preview. 2. The Journal of Materials Processing Technology covers the processing techniques used in manufacturing components from metals and other materials.