If the culture of a society is chiefly materialistic, the education system there is based on competition […] They use a mixture of facts and personal feelings to bring across a clear argument. Culture is passed from one generation to another through enculturation, a process by which the members learn the culture into which they are born. Cultural traditions are expressions of a particular group's worldview, and they help people in that group mark significant occasions or life … Culture has been defined in various ways by sociologists and anthropologists. You can get other related essays under the same category such as: In order to aware students about Indian culture, this topic is commonly assigned to the students to write essay on Indian culture. Tylor defines “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, Jaw, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”. Why is culture important? These are all about persuading the reader to accept your point of view. Who we think we are, our identity is related to what society says we should do and who society says we should be. Traditions encourage groups of people to create and share a collective identity, which in turn serves to shape individual identities. Let us try to find out. The task of sociology is to study the way individuals fit into cultures that produce them and that they themselves maintain and recreate overtime. Following are the important definitions of culture. A company’s success depends on understanding the cultural perspectives of its management and employees. Culture is shared by the members of a community. All the above Indian culture essay are written very simply worded to fulfill the student’s need and requirement. Through acculturation, the original or native culture is modified through direct contact with or exposure to a … For an effective transfer of culture from one generation to another, it has to be … Cultural traditions are important because they transmit shared values, stories and goals from one generation to the next. The production of ‘culture’ is a massive social undertaking the results of … Indian culture is a topic of great importance for all the people living in India. Culture is important to sociology as culture covers the whole of sociology. A community gains a character and a personality of its own, because of the culture of its people. For example, if you wanted to write about abolishing the harmful cultural practice of child marriage in India, a persuasive essay … Lastly, there are persuasive essays. The culture of a society has its inevitable impact on its educational system. A how does language affect culture essay would be perfect for the expository style. It is learned and passed from the older generations to the newer ones. The case study for Acme Minerals Extraction Company (Acme) serves as a good example of how important it is to understand a culture before making […] Such elements target all people irrespective of their gender or age, and they influence their thoughts, trends, … A different way of learning is through acculturation, the process by which the members learn the rules and norms of a culture from the native culture. E.B. The educational system points to the various needs of the society concerned, because it is towards the fulfillment of the same that education is organized. Popular culture is the longer form of pop culture and is described as the entirety of beliefs, attitudes, ideas, perspectives, images, and other aspects that are within a given culture. When management and workers appreciate one another, they are better able to meet the other’s needs. The cultural values of a community give it an identity of its own. Genres such as movies, songs, literature, celebrities, fashion, cartoons among others make up pop culture.