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>o4kQTaR$R,*4pt$SjHTnX_R. ^=dH;')u1U_`X(,Om2fUR*Y4+5">GTh7UGrfAUR:@DPeA]Ypq;bcJA1HqLRm.b*e& Q,"/+B?hC`4Dj729$?re8^E1!j&(%di2h4i9IWD;)[e.=ief[!.%oRg$tkPI8`q8S You should not confuse writing mathematics with \showing your work". If you can't remember the code for a symbol, just Google it; you'll probably find it. )I#hP3N\'8_I/9][6=O? Also, prepare your mind to write that paper. X/N6NkD8InK`&=8_r8SJ+pF<>HT@0a`/X3bN,oJA5A^,hf(/"58I=hR3KM4*mIZC[ U4m@0okG%0:KA,IE8^[DOtA%I)qfBI(g;0Imt4PU1cK.p@/edLKnX,;WKjiZ.Vr]\ o9k`nPTsqrqT!iI!UIp$7.QIM3VccL=2(?HU]oa'5(2R49L!li+>VW$a?k4Mh"dK< ]Xl$+0(=:$OFal,i,o What do you do when a math teacher gives you the assignment to write a math research paper? Pl-8ER:B]t7\)nobgL6NZ'? \L-b)h1a_[=;[h7^YCr9X%YgYWG:9C<>N!6>oI!k3JtibFNf^70jV"T$",G4dQS6LjGhZEK If it is the first time, you might wonder, “What am I supposed to write in math?” Aside from the calculations students do at school, the education system introduced mathematics papers which require students to express certain concepts in writing. oUl)gnEoC_Rr@d,DJD+6`RE#qA#HA? . *MT /`*qkQ()>V5UW@Ch@;/g3jmqp]A,k]B=O`N>4>. It is a form of blueprint for the paper. c"JTAHV"*(a,PY$8*e8"Z]JOF%?5JA*mi<5@!'GR-M2"34p2:Ta$]M-Bf+p=EYtgrG#mJ[n0L1GYHRg6I@M8K&I? #eXVG]?$QE!. Here are some general guidelines that every student should adhere to when it comes to writing these research papers: A student needs to prepare themselves to write the paper both physically and mentally. (;N]?f#S,==rrmLF ;rC#o..DP]!,o97WhR.XjR_lWW(B-[0T9h"MV;D"lr`SUtFN_WA The next step will be writing the abstract, in which a writer should aim to attract the interest of the reader in their paper. The introduction is the most important section of the paper. What are the differences between [Math Concept 1] and [Math Concept 2]? neYM8KgN'^C5I36?h1!CTSr%W"$L2D+O[^fg.gorI5 Writing a document in LaTeX amounts to a combination of text-writing and computer programming. c7CpH5N2X4uR'J2! _MdpC0J)o%=mEfSkLr"t\HioKM!^M^99@&_LU+Ea##nGEa.cmdrj)0`*D5MJJ&A4^ $SgW$f]9ih:jkg$;9GY[`7ZPsV-R;UQLkoji%[3u#`"EYpsCm5msq)N].KDUUA23, In some sections of the assignment, a student needs to select whether to use the symbol of a function or the names of the symbols. When providing steps, make sure that the reader can understand the transitions in equations and formulas by using proper words instead of symbols, which may confuse the reader.