– Non ne ho letta nessuna. – I just had two. Have you met Sara’s new boyfriend? Have you got any coffee? del nuovo fidanzato di Sara / di lui [Have you met Sara’s new boyfriend? of the name it replaces (the quantity is zero, after all), – Quanti caffè hai bevuto? And the same also goes for indirect pronouns (a me = mi, a te = ti…), Mi + ne = me ne (Me ne dai) Mario’s children are pests! – I just had two.→ I had only two (of what?) dal nuovo fidanzato di Sara / da lui [Yes, I met him and I was completely fascinated by him. of the effort we made to see it in a single day], However, in some expressions the use of NE doesn’t follow any of the rules mentioned above; these expressions must be memorized, VOLERNE a qualcuno (to be angry with someone), – Non me ne volere ma penso che tu stia sbagliando. ), – Hai conosciuto il nuovo fidanzato di Sara? In Italian, double negatives are common. ), – Quante riviste hai letto? Vi + ne = ve ne (Ve ne andate) So, with auxiliary verbs, for example: Voglio andarmene OR me ne voglio andare. ], NON POTERNE PIÙ (to be tired of something, to be done), – Sei di nuovo in ritardo! But in this case, the past participle agrees only with the gender (and not number!) del fatto che potremmo andare al mare, [Today is a beautiful day! Non ne posso più! → Florence was worthy (of what?) Combinano sempre dei pasticci! [That’s enough! – Sì, ne ho paura. → I’m tired (of what?) il, lo, l', la, i, gli, le are all words for "the". PAY ATTENTION! → Sono rimasta affascinata (da chi?) → Firenze è stata degna (di che cosa?) (– How many coffees did you drink? → Vado via (da che cosa?) ], – Sono andata in banca alle 8 e ne sono uscita solo alle 11! I find this area one of the most difficult I have met up to now, although I do understand the use of the definite articles. DA CHE COSA? As you can see, if the sentence is explicit (that is, if we use the complement → di/da + thing or object), the complement goes after the verb. LEARN ITALIAN - How to use the Italian Particle/Pronoun NE [Episode 23 - Part 1] - Italian Grammar Menu HOME START HERE! Ne ho bevuti solo due. The pronominal particle ‘ci’ is used (in order of difficulty…): – as a reflexive, direct or indirect pronoun – meaning ‘noi’ – to of magazines]. Ne è molto contenta. di caffè. → Dopo aver litigato col fidanzato, Roberta ha detto molte cose spiacevoli su di lui! In these cases, the “ne” is useless and it is only used to emphasize what stands after. Dopo aver litigato col fidanzato, Roberta ha detto molte cose spiacevoli su di lui! 5) Last, but not least, you should know that there are verbs and expressions that are formed with NE: ANDARSENE (to go away, to leave the place in which we are), – Basta! Vi + ne = ve ne (Ve ne diamo) → What do you think (about what?) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). They always mess something up! → Ho letto solo tre (di che cosa?) There’s our fantastic lessons! (, Don’t be angry with me but I think you are wrong, I figli di Mario sono delle pesti! of spiders? What do you think about that? Potremmo andare al mare! Si + ne = se ne (Se ne va) As you must have noticed with the verb “andarsene”, when NE is used with another pronoun, NE goes in the second place. (Don’t be angry with me but I think you are wrong), FARNE DI TUTTI I COLORI (to mess something up), – I figli di Mario sono delle pesti! Gli / le + ne = gliene (Gliene do) !!! Prova a fare gli esercizi! (Mario’s children are pests! della fatica che abbiamo fatto per vederla in un giorno, [Visiting Florence in a single day was tiring but it was worth it! – I didn’t read any. → Non essere arrabbiato con me ma penso che tu stia sbagliando. → I got out (from what?) (– How many magazines did you read? ], – Sì, l’ho conosciuto e ne sono rimasta affascinata. Ci + ne = ce ne (Ce ne dà) Qual è la risposta corretta per la seguente domanda: quante città hai visitato? Instead, if you’re looking for a lesson about CI, well, you’ve found it! Ne also means about it/them, of it/them, with it/them, and so on, when used with Italian adjectives or verbs which are followed by di, for example contento di (meaning happy about ), stufo di (meaning fed up with ), aver paura di (meaning to be afraid of ), scrivere di (meaning to write about ). - We wake up at 7. Che città meravigliosa! What do you think about him, → I was fascinated (by whom?) dal posto in cui mi trovo. I bought seven magazines but I only read three. – I didn’t drink any, – How many magazines did you read? → Ho paura (di che cosa?) From what? I listen to and try to learn Italian songs with subtitles (such as Andrea Bocelli and I watch childrens' films now and then with subtitles. → Ho bevuto solo due (di che cosa?) – Yes, I’m afraid of them. Combinano sempre dei pasticci! What an amazing city! ITALIAN RESOURCES Free Italian Lessons Podcasts in Italian … Ne fanno sempre di tutti i colori! → Che pensi (di che cosa?) → I’m afraid (of what?) about the fact that we could go to the beach]. del tuo ritardo. → -i (maschile plurale, come “caffè”), [– How many coffees did you drink? of you being late. – I just had two. Ti + ne = te ne (Te ne vai) English Translation of “NE” | The official Collins Italian-English Dictionary online. We could go to the beach! What do you think about him? Si ne ho. (After having argued with her boyfriend, Roberta said many unpleasant things about him!). by Sara’s new boyfriend], I went to the bank at 8 and I just got out at 11. by Sara’s new boyfriend], – Hai paura dei ragni? Usage notes [] ne is used primarily in the dialects that retain the three-gender split. Me ne vado! Learn Italian grammar with this free lesson from OnlineItalianClub.com on the pronominal particles 'ci' and 'ne'. about Sara’s new boyfriend? After having argued with her boyfriend, Roberta said many unpleasant things about him! Yes I have some Ci Ci is used as reflexive, direct or indirect pronoun meaning noi or ‘we/us’: Ci svegliamo alle 7. In the singular... il is used with masculine words beginning with most consonants: – How many coffees did you drink? Once again, we use NE when it is possible to answer one of the 4 questions we have seen before. – I didn’t read any.). dei ragni / di loro [- Are you afraid of spiders? di riviste. from the place where I am. DI / DA + something or someone mentioned before. 4) NE is also used to replace a whole sentence said before. Follow us on  YouTube, Facebook, Instagram e Twitter! Ci + ne = ce ne (Ce ne andiamo) (. The other rules of the infinitive apply as always. Instead, if you use NE, it always goes before the verb! – How many coffees did you drink? The Iceberg Project Italian The Iceberg Project was created from a desire to travel to Italy & speak the language with ease, comfort and confidence. =, Riscrivi la frase utilizzando NE: ho mangiato tre pizze =, Riscrivi la frase utilizzando NE: non ho visto nemmeno una bambina =, Riscrivi la frase utilizzando NE: le ho dato tre magliette =. → Sono uscita (da che cosa?) → What do you think (about whom?) I’m going away! We could go to the beach! Once again, we use NE when it is possible to answer one of the 4 questions we have seen before. [– How many coffees did you drink?