Whether you buy it at a store or grow it in the container, basil will always be a wilted mess before you get a chance to use it. Hot things always feel dryer than they appear. Now go enjoy your potent freshly dried basil. You just keep putting it off and next thing you know three days have gone past and it’s turned to green-brown sludgy crap. This will help the stems take in water. Spread them out on a tray, leaving enough room between them for airflow. An award-winning food writer and cookbook author, Molly Watson has created more than 1,000 recipes focused on local, seasonal ingredients. While it’s a far more messy method, it should work just fine. Frugal by heart, frugal by nature. The method is sound and will prevent freezer burn. It’ll save you a lot of time and it’ll save you a lot of money. In general, it could take between. Trim the cut ends, put the bunch in a glass, jar, or vase of water that will fit in the fridge, and cover the whole thing, or at least the basil leaves, with a plastic bag. There are several ways to do it effectively. This one is probably the most common method of keeping your basil fresh for a few days. It doesn’t really matter. Does it also keep basil as fresh as possible for as long as possible? Once you bother blanching the basil, though, it's worth making the purée and freezing it that way, since it retains so much more flavor with that method. So anyway, this is how you freeze basil. To choose healthy basil from the grocery store, look for bright green leaves without blemishes. We've established that the very best method isn't always as practical as one might like. It’s actually pretty amazing how quickly we forget what real food tastes like when we constantly buy stuff that’s been poked, prodded, and soaked in chemicals. Impress your friends, your coworkers, Your grandmother. I’m sure my EDITOR will edit it out and not display it for the whole world to see. It’ll save you money on your grocery bill, it’ll save you time and frustration miles, and overall you’ll be a happier healthier human being. There is no denying it and there is no getting around it, it just happens. It’s your choice, My humble patron. If the basil gets much colder than that it … Best Way to Store Basil on the Counter. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. To keep it green, you'll need to blanch it, squeeze it dry, then lay it flat to freeze. Next, remove the leaves and place on a paper towel or tea towel. Can I freeze fresh basil without blanching? Get daily tips and expert advice to help you take your cooking skills to the next level. Good intentions and all. Fill a small vase or tall jar about halfway with water. But don’t let me lecture you, You will have to try it for yourself. You can pour the purée in ice cubes trays, freeze them, and transfer the cubes to re-sealable plastic bags where they keep for up to a year. Put the whole in in a refrigerator. But to recap if you came here on an anchor: To freeze basil without it turning black, blanch for 15 seconds in boiling water, dunk in ice-cold water, chop it up into little bits, place it in an ice cube tray filled with olive oil or water, and add it to the freezer. Yes, with the above 2 related methods. well, I did the research and now I’m going to save you some time, money, and doing the research yourself. But we all don’t have time for fun and gardening and all that crap right. Dried basil like this will last for a year, Longer with diminished taste. Basil kept that way will stay vibrant and green for up to a week. Fair point. Basil frozen this way will turn dark, almost black, but retain plenty of basil flavor. I earn a commission on this, Obviously. So what’s a guy to do, how do I stop my fresh basil from wilting and getting all crappy? No one could argue against argue that point. To store basil and keep it fresh, cut the stems and put them in a jar of clean water. Just grab your stemmed basil and plop it into a vase or glass filed with cool/room temperature water. And of course, It’s not messy. Who knows. This method will even perk up some not-so-happy-looking grocery store basil that has been refrigerated for too long! Close the bag quickly before you go into the long laborious process of deciding whether you should spit or swallow… the oil. Well, as these things do, it turns out there’s a lot of ways to stop that from happening. If it’s not dry, just place it back in for another 40 minutes or so, and check again. I really do recommend you get one though. You might be able to squeeze out an addition 2-3 days with this method. Hey, welcome back, I assume you purchased my recommended dehydrator? Is it a bit of a pain? The second best way to store basil is to store it like salad greens: pick the leaves off the stems and lay them in more or less a single layer on layers of paper towels or a clean kitchen towel, roll up the towel around the leaves, and put the roll in a plastic bag. But have been told, It is best that you cut up your basil and freeze it inside a block of water. but suddenly, seemingly overnight there wilted. Yeah, it’s really that easy. How To Store Fresh Basil: The Best Method, Storing (and ruining) Basil: The Fast Method, How to store fresh cut basil for 2-3 days. - Pretty Frugal, What Is The Best Way To Store Fresh Strawberries - Frugal Pantry ♥, How To Store Garlic Scapes - FrugalPantry - Pretty Frugal, How To Freeze Onions Without Blanching - Frugal Pantry, What Can You Grow In Hydroponics - Pretty Frugal, How to Freeze Celery - Frugal Pantry - Pretty Frugal, Wintering Chickens – Happy chicken cozy chicken, If your dehydrator has a herb setting, use that. As a container Gardener I can tell you right now it’s not hard to grow fresh basil. Tap water should work just fine, but some herb lovers contend that bottled water yields better results. Not super-duper convenient? So obviously the next best thing is drum roll please…. First, wash the basil. Yes, you can, actually. Don’t let it affect anything you do or decide not to do this. The first thing you want to do is blanch Your basil. Add them to a preheated 200f oven, or lower if you can. I even did the whole thing with your hands, you know, that drumming bit. This stuff is way more powerful when it’s dry than when it’s fresh. I think anyone who’s ever had it can and will attest to that. Love to preserve the stuff I grow for myself, my friend’s and my family. Place the jar in the refrigerator. What, that’s it?! The countertop is the best way to store basil if you plan on using it in a meal within a week. For example, an ice cube tray, it could be a Ziploc baggie or even a mason jar. Well, let’s be honest, not really *overnight*. Why? If your basil is about to turn zombie in the fridge or you just want to get it out of the way as fast as possible so it doesn’t start wilting, then this method is probably for you, at least if you’re in a hurry.