The two most common wood types used for making pallets are southern yellow pine (SYP) and oak. This results in them consuming even less than half of the space that is typically taken up by other types of conventional pallets. Great for furniture that you are going to sit on like outdoor sofas, swings and more, Great for outdoor furniture uses of all kinds, Bookcases and other furnishings that will hold heavy weight, As scrap wood for the fireplace or to cook with (be sure that you do not have a chemically treated pallet before you burn ANY pallet wood), Gardening (think window boxes and raised beds). They are generally flat and horizontal in appearance which makes it easy to stack, store and arrange the goofs on the top or the surface of these pallets. Being able to identify wooden pallet types can improve your projects. One significant way to distinguish pallets is by the number of entry points for forklift forks. Just as many people believe that pallets are globally standardized, that is also not a truth. However, they cannot be used to ship smaller items because they’ll slip through the cracks. Additionally, they also have a wide range of prices from $10 to $100 per pallet depending on material and size. Plywood pallets are incredibly lightweight and super effective when it comes to surviving rough usage. Today you can find pallets made of both wood and plastic. As you can imagine, wood pallets are the most popular. The variety of pallets that you see today have been cleverly designed to be able to withstand high pressure, carry massive weights, and be easily lifted by forklifts and pallet jacks on and off numerous transport vehicles such as planes, trucks and ships. Many people prefer the wood pallets over the plastic pallets for several reasons including: Plastic pallets, once they are broken are very difficult to repair, if they can be repaired at all. The following is a list of the different types of pallets including the pros and cons of each. The addition of the bottom deck in these pallets provides it with increased strength and the ability to hold the unit’s load with great ease and convenience. They are easy to clean, dust free, have no nails or splinters, are recyclable and easy to dispose of. Smell it! Pallet designers and manufacturers recognized the numerous benefits that were provided by paper pallets such as the fact that they are super light weight, highly adaptable , recyclable, easy to get rid of as well as they are so easy to clean. Another way to categorize pallets is by design. Soon enough, the forklift was introduced during the 1920s which was immediately followed by the development pallets and pallet couriers. Pick it up! Burn a few those pallets… Pallets are flat structures that provide a foundation for storing or transporting goods. Eventually, the pallet began to be used to store, ship, display, and transport numerous items by a lot of people who also began to notice that the safety, efficiency and performance of their operations enhanced to a great extent once they started using pallets. They are also incredibly handy for people who want the kind of pallet that is fireproof, rackable, and sanitary. Typically, pallets are flat and horizontal, which make them easier to stack, move and load. A typical block often consists of 12 cylindrical wooden posts that provide it with great stability especially towards the top. If you are in the latter category, just ask and the manufacturer will be happy to tell you. Learn more: How to find and choose pallets for DIY projects. These pallets are available in two main types; reversible and non-reversible. They can also be repurposed for wood furniture items like a coffee table or bed frame. Other benefits of soft wood pallet manufacturing include: Hardwood pallets are naturally stronger and have historically been used to build things like flooring and furniture because of the strength that is associated with it, however, once soft wood has been kiln dried or heat treated it can be equally as strong and durable.