Perhaps the most tangible effect of the moon on Earth is the part it plays in the generation of tides. The daily tides are primarily caused by the moon, and these vary hugely around the world – parts of the UK witness some of the largest tidal ranges (up to 15m in the Severn Estuary), whereas in the Baltic the tidal range is only a few centimetres. Separated into 20 seas and four oceans, with a combined weight of 1,450,000,000,000,000 short tones. 10 Bizarre Ways The Moon Affects Life On Earth. 71% of planet earth is covered in water. The moon also preserves many of its ancient features: Unlike Earth, it doesn’t have plate tectonics to continually reface the landscape, nor does it have wind and rain wearing down ancient rocks. The moon's gravitational pull (along with the gravitational pull of the sun, of course) has shaped much of Earth's past and present. The tides are the result of the moon exerting its gravitational force on the ocean and bulging it both toward and away from the moon. The overall effect of these tidal forces is to “squeeze” the oceans, and produce two tidal bulges on opposite sides of the Earth—one facing the Moon and a slightly smaller one facing away from the Moon (see illustration). Perhaps the most obvious manifestation of the influence of the Moon on the Earth are the ocean tides, particularly the spring tides where the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon combine to give the greatest effect. Due to Earth's rotation, the two bulges act like two expansive “waves” continuously undulating around our planet. How moon cycles affect tides . The effect of Lunar Eclipses on Earth. Eclipses are known to have an effect on the conductivity of the atmosphere, especially the E-region, which in turn affects the earth… How the moon, Earth, and sun combine to cause these phases of the moon will be outlined for you now. The tide is higher, the ocean is higher, at the location closest to the moon and on the opposite side of the Earth. The water on the side of Earth closest to the Moon experiences the biggest pull, and bulges outward. How the Moon Affects the Oceans. The Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, meaning that the same side of the Moon always faces the us. HOW DOES THE MOON AFFECT EARTH? Want to be the only one on your block who understands how the Moon affects the seas? Himanshu Sharma. The Moon's Changing Shape When the moon orbits the Earth, it always has the same side facing us. The moon has been associated with a wide variety of superstitions across cultures, even if there’s nothing particularly noteworthy about it; far cooler satellites exist right in our solar system. The Moon's relative position to the Sun and Earth changes the way it looks at night. Tides. That’s an estimated 1.386 billion km 3 (333 million cubic miles) of water. The water on the opposite side also bulges, and the two bulges follow the Moon’s motion and Earth’s rotation. Herman and Goldberg (1978) state that the moon triggers particle flow which disturbs the earth’s magnetic field. But our moon exerts its own gravitational force that affects some of our life on Earth. It orbits the Earth but it does not rotate the way the Earth does. In this article, we’ll explore the science of how moon cycles affect us. Credit: Alan McKnight. The Moon’s gravity pulls on Earth’s oceans and distorts them, causing tides.